Monday, 1 June 2020

When should schools start sex education?

Babette Deloe: Kids are setting their own standards these days. Education just goes along for the ride

Minh Lefrancois: Age appropriate information should start in the early grades, as recommended by early childhood education experts and medical professionals. Stressing the term age-appropriate information.

Rebeca Mckin: Right around average puberty age.Kids tend to start touching and getting curios right then.

Blaine Connett: 7 to 8 would be good

Gale Hartt: As soon as they can understand. And it needs to be reiterated over time. They need to be told that the government will release NEW Deadly STDs into the population at any given time. So, avoid fat chicks or wear a condom.

Ellis Cellar: I think some kids already know a lot about sex before they even get to sex ed. I put it all together long before from the TV programs that I watched. My family was very liberal and let me watch a lot of things on TV that other kids couldn't watch because ! the parents were stricter on that.

Kenneth Blacker: I think that is a job for parents and has no place in a learning environment.

Dick Baumgarten: I think the parents should teach the kids sex education. It worked quite well for me.

Malissa Porth: I started learning about it in 6th grade, I think. Parents sign a permission slip back then, idk how it is now. It didn't make me want to have sex or anything. Plus, sex is everywhere these days, if parents are worried about kids having sex ed, they should also worry about the fact that about 40% of 9 year olds have seen porn these days. What is that doing to our next generation in regards to sex?? >.

Fermin Tara: Before kids start to have sex.

Rosie Travino: In today's society, with children reaching puberty several years earlier than my generation did, and with them surrounded by repeated sexual stimuli in the form of ads and movies, I think 11 would be a good age. Those who claim they shouldn't b! e taught about it till college need to look at the stats. The! states with the highest teen pregnancy rates are those that forbid sex education in the schools - like Texas!...Show more

Kizzy Hett: Technically sex education begins when children are told some of them have to use the boys room and others use the girls room.

Johnnie Pummill: When your first born child turns 5, you and your wife should sit down with grandma and grandpa and let them tell you about the birds and the bees.

Randolph Lozoya: 13?

Barton Morfee: Currently in public school's of the US, it is about 5th grade that this is taught. I feel that it is a good spot, it is not quite puberty age yet, though some might start, but it is late enough that they understand a good portion of the information.

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