Thursday, 4 June 2020

Help! MY pregnate dog! Is she in LABOR?  

Help! MY pregnate dog! Is she in LABOR?  

answers 0:Okay well my dogs pregnante. (DUH) And she keeps whining. And Sitting Like... UNDER the covers and moving and licking her vagina. And i raised her ♥! And so she like REALLLY loves me. So i have school tommorow (Im YUNG! Middle School!) (Home Schooled Though!!!) I Know My Sister/Teacher Is going to be like... MAD when i come and go to sleep in school tommorow! But im tending to a dog who may be in labor and having contractions!Symtoms:She keeps..Moving NervouslySitting Up, Then DownWhen i leave she crys LOUDwhen im sitting there petting her she keeps WHININGWHINING ALOT!i feal the puppys moving ALOT.She WONT Leave My Side.I Hope Someone Can Help Me And Can U Tell Me If She Could Have Them ANY Time Soon? Cause My Moms Going To Be Pissed That I Left My Bedroom, She Says The Dog Is Going To Be Okay A! nd Delivering Comes Naturally! But i dont want to take a chance! This dog is like my baby!She is breathing harder then usual too!Thanks ESTIMATED ARRVIAL ? PLZ....Show moreanswers 1:calm down, she will do the job-yes it comes naturally. keep her calm, pet her relax her. its good to have an area already avalible for her to birth the puppies but lay down a blanket in a quiet place if you dont. dont force her to do things and dont force puppies unless something goes wrong. her water should break and she wont be happy once contractions start. when my cat had her kittens it did not take very long after contraction until the first kitten came out. leave her be or comfort her quietly. but but really you should call your parent(s) or a vet to talk you through it if you are alone. stay calm, and Conragtulations!!! : D...answers 2:All of her symtpoms point to early labor. Hold your hand on her abdomen and wait. If you feel it tighten and get hard and then soften again, that is a co! ntraction which means she is in labor. Your mother is complete! ly wrong.. In some cases, dogs can deliver naturally. If she is a first time mom, she may not know what to do and you'll have to help or you might have dead puppies. Puppies are born in a clear sac. You need to make sure the puppy is out of the sac as soon as possible otherwise they will suffocate. If the mom doesn't do it, you need to tear open the sac to free the puppy. If the mom doesn't cut the umbilical cord, you'll need to tie it off with some thread or dental floss and then cut it on the side away from the puppy. If your dog begins pushing and doesn't produce a puppy within an hour or two, get her to the vet. You might lose her and the puppies. In the meantime, give her lots of affection and encouragement. Right now she is hurting and she has no idea why. She needs your moral support....answers 3:im thinking that your going to have pups soon, congrats. oh just make sure you have lots of talls a bucket of warm water, and make sure your there, be sure to watch her ounc! e the pups come out make sure she cleans them and if she doesnt clean it then you have to peel that sack off and gently rub the pup with a tall. also keep a close eye on the mom so she doesnt try to eat the pups. well congrats hope i am a help. =]answers 4:Get off your computer and call a vet!!!!!EDIT:You are YOUNG not yung....There are 24 hour emergency vets that you can call. Stop worrying about what your mum will say - go and wake her up and tell her what is happening to your dog....answers 5:Wake up your mom and have her with you. Labor can last well into 10 or more hrs. I say no school for you. But you are to young to be by yourself through this. You need your mom. She will no if something is wrong . She might be mad at first being woken up but will see the urgency of the matter. After all she is a mother to. This will be a memory you to can share for a long time. Let your vet no though when your dog is done just to give them the heads up if you should need them. By ! the way this must be your dogs first litter? That is why she wants you n! ear her. She needs your comfort right now. Good Luck....answers 6:yes she is most likely going to be having puppies as in tonight. cant really give you a good estimate time because just like humans all dogs are different. she should be fine by herself but if it makes her feel better to have you there, there is nothing wrong with that. delivering is actually natural to a dog and they do know instinctively what to do. while there could be complications, the chances are slim and i am sure she will be fine. dont worry unless she starts really pushing for over an hour with no result. then it would be time to wake your mom up. good luck and hope all goes well...answers 7:You dont understand! Its 2 AM!!! And IM YUNG! MY MOM IS ASLEEEP!answers 8:How would you feel vomiting and depressed, in labor since yesterday? You dog needs emergency care. If you did not start deworming her 2 weeks prior to whelping, she may be compromised with parasites. Or if the neighbor dog was bred b! y the same male, it could have given both of the dogs brucellosis. You might want to have that checked since you can catch it. And in humans, for every 1 case that is diagnosed, 20 cases go undiagnosed.

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