Lauri Ohl: okay. global warming i s not a lie.a) have u noticed a change in the weather? i have. i live near NYC its Jan, and it still hasnt snowed. its barley even cold. im wearing frikin tank tops.b) it snowed in hawaii last year.c) it snowed in APRIL where i live last year, and it melted by the end of the day.d) the ice caps are melting....u can see picturese) if you don't believe it u need to open ur eyes cause taht guy has a point.... scientists make ENOUGH money...Show more
Virgil Loatman: I advise you to read Michael Crichton's "State of Fear". He warns against mixing politics and science (unfortunately this is how it is right now). Pls, everyone just read it, read it, read it.... It gives highly accepted references as footnotes, like NASA and many others....So in another way, the threat of global warming is not a lie but it is EXAGGARATED!
Azzie Trembly: I don't think so.Here in Minnesota right now it's only in the high 30's when its suppose to be arou! nd 0.
Raymundo Kyser: Is the Pope Protestant?
Hal Rouse: Measures against global warming will harm oil companies. This harms the politicians that own the companies and get the tax revenues. Of course they are going to deny that global warming is even a possibility.
Lizzette Wendroth: Of course not. The likely hood of that would be extremely small considering the problem scientists propose is one of the main causes of global warming: carbon. The plan to combat global warming is to have a carbon tax which encourages corporations and factories to limit carbon pollution into the air. This is not in any way beneficial to the scientists other than the knowledge that people are listening to them and that one day their children are to benefit from a world that's not covered by haze....Show more
Pasquale Pollet: Usually the average temp for Mid Michigan in January is 12-20 degrees roughly. We have been having 40-55 degree days. Has only snowed twice her! e. It feels like spring. Also there are already species in t! he Arctic Circle that are dying out as we speak.
Nikki Sypult: YES! Global warming beyond the normal and natural is big fib, promoted by that liberal lunatic, you-know-who.Ask yourself the question: How and why did all of the ice ages in history come to melt, when this was before industrialization...hmmm? Now let me see - could it beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee NATURAL CAUSES??????...Show more
Olen Penhallurick: i sure hope so! :) the thing is something similar happened like this in the past (like been warmer and all that) and then went back to normal.. so could this just be one of them? hmmm.. i cant remember where i heard that i think my grandad might have told me x
Ariel Arons: "Why do you think North Eastern states have been having spring weather in the depths of winter?" -- Steve TBecause there is noise in the statistical model? One statistical point proves nothing. A few days of warm weather means nothing in a millenia of data.If you actually believe in you! r argument, after the next cold spell ask a question of why you have suffered thorough a few days of freezing weather, and I will completely disprove Global Warming....Show more
Paul Maymi: No.Are you watching the news? Why do you think North Eastern states have been having spring weather in the depths of winter?
Nikita Schroepfer: Global warming is simple fact. (Look at a chart of historical temperatures)The only debatable issue is whether it is a natural phenomenon or whether it is being exacerbated by industrial emission of CO2.Scientists are not (usually) driven by money, they are driven by curiosity. They are generally smart enough people that if they just wanted money they'd get jobs in more remunerative fields!...Show more
Robbie Starchman: People need to realize that global warming is not simply warming up the earth surface and melting of the ice. It is a lot more than that. Obviously, it is not a lie.
Cassey Hollinghurst: Depends on wha! t you mean by global warming. There might be evidence that there is so! me warming going on. However, I think the notion that we are the major cause of this (as Al Gore claims) and that the planet will reach its catastrophic end in 20 years if we don't support the lunatic environmental lobby is a lie.
Shawn Lelis: Did you ever consider that oil companies and other industries are covering up global warming "as a way to make money?"
Donte Hamme: No, I don't think so. Just look at the proof around you: the icecaps are melting-- FAST, animals that live near or in the icecaps or rely on them for shelter have been found dead in the oceans because they couldn't find land to live on, the past 10 years have set records for high temperatures, stronger hurricanes have been formed which is caused by the heat in the tropics and oceans, in my area the birds never migrated, and this winter hasn't been like a winter at all. Just yesterday the temperature in my area was 72 degrees. This is January for crying out loud! If you still don't believe me,! try watching "An Inconvenient Truth." It's a movie about global warming and it's consequences....Show more
Hipolito Rightmire: You know what the great thing about science is? They can't lie. That's right, they can't just make stuff up. Why? Because anyone who wants to can go and check all of the data that's been collected, all of the experiments that have been done, and decide if they justify the conclusions.In science, you don't have to just take someone's word on it. Go and read the ipcc report, go read the articles on, pick up some books on climate science. Decide for yourself what you think, don't let Rush Limbaugh decide for you....Show more
Troy Staton: The current global warming trend is well documented and so not a lie. The role of humans in the rate of global warming is not resolved as the production of CO2 by our burning of fossil fuel is miniscule compared to the production of CO2 by natural processes such as the rotting of vegetatio! n. Most scientists are objective in their research, but some may prema! turely accept their "pet theories" before they are adequately substantiated. Those involved in research on global warming benefit from the scare through increased funding of their research. If the role of industry and carbon burning is found to be a negligible contributor to global warming, the research funding will sharply decrease....Show more
Johnnie Pummill: Definitely NOT!! This is one of the most abhorrent thinking I have ever come across! Global warming is a worldwide problem and would cause devastating effects on us humans..It is naive to believe that global warming is fake!!On top of it, in fact, we are progressing nearer and nearer to global warming and some people are still, ironically unaware of the changes in the Earth's climate..We are experiencing colder winters and hotter summers..There are reports to show for it as well...It is a trend that can be explained....If you didn't believe in Science, I think you should stop using the computer...Moreover, n! ot all scientists are so money-minded- at least there are some who are really caring for the Earth!!...Show more
Ellis Cellar: It's Yet another Stealth Tax-Lie based upon money making off the back of THE FEAR of Global Destruction!!
Lionel Tanen: Who pay them? oil companies?
Faviola Dewire: No global warming is not a lie.It is a fact supported by the data collected by scientists over the last hundred years.Scientists do not use this phenomenon as a way to make money.Afterall they are the guys who made things like nukes so why would they use something like global warming to make money?
Shaun Rapkowicz: Just take a walk outside and decide for yourself . Here it is the middle of winter and I can still wear short pants outside .
Raleigh Lufkin: I believe it has something to do with sucking the oil out of the Earth. Oil cools, therefore taking more and more oil out the Earth has less oil to cool. Something has to cool something that rotates as fast! as this planet does.
Burt Stoecklin: Yes...The amount of polluti! on expelled from all places like factories, cars, trains, and planes should have killed us 50 years ago. Energy from the sun travels to the earth warms us up and filtered energy goes back out into space. If that didn't happen we would have been dead thousands of years ago. Global warming is a theory that gasses are "trapped" in the earth and are not released back into space. That theory is similar to the idea of filling a small room with smoke and no ventilation. It's become a way to scare people. Paranoia wakes people up and makes people vote for democrats who even under Clinton did not do anything to help the environment. In fact the air and water is cleaner than it was during the American industrial revolution due to some simple common sense. Icebergs will break under stress. Climates will not be the same from year to year. Everybody panics when something is unusual and that's sad. When it is 90 degrees in Alaska this time of year then I will worry....Show more
Mel! vin Nakama: Yes those crafty scientists and the movie day after tomorrow is a lie aswell
Octavio Roylance: no it's not a lie.why would anyone lie about that?global warming would actually save us some money if we try to prevent it and cut back on all the things that kill our ozone layer.
Bryant Pillitteri: i imagine in global warming. i'm now not a scare monger, yet am an environmentalist. even if you've faith it global warming or now not, it truly is a debate that could want to have records both helping it and disproving it. This challenge is complicated and on a global scale that could want to have records that could want to take an prolonged time or possibly centuries to look. to assert it would want to be a lie in conserving with some isolated criteria is opposite to clinical frame of mind. extremely taking inventory a mess of informational resources both for and hostile to global warming to verify which conclusions are wise or now not is how I frame of mind ! the talk. I also am unconcerned with the political nature of the talk. ! it truly is beside the point what Gore, Clinton, or Bush say or do. even if Gore created the internet or now not is beside the point to global warming. an impressive sort of why i imagine world warming is happening has to do with the impacts mankind as an complete has performed contained contained in the global from the merely good ice age. merely about all human activities from the advertisement Revolution to well-loved circumstances, demands skill. it truly is electric powered, mechanical, chemical, or inspite of. those skill resources (be it by creating use of combustion, reaction, or refinement) emit gases. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the same time with carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides were increasing on a global scale (in step with danger exponentially, utilizing human inhabitants improve). global GHG sinks have also been lowering. i might want to now not say even if or now not a 33% improve in atmospheric CO2 concentrations might want to reason a shif! t contained contained in the CO2 cycle and consequently a floor temp improve by creating use of the years. i am going to assert the the increasing human interest is impacting the ambience. the U. S. EPA and Intergovernmental Panel on climate replace (IPCC) both have ideal thoughts on the challenge count number huge form. even as those agencies might want to have an interest in advertising hype for global warming, they're some distance more suitable respected than the persons to this communicate board (myself take care of). stick with the talk accessible and sweetness your beliefs on respected informational resources....Show more
Peter Lapoint: I don't really think so.Indeed the effects of global warming are just under our eyes.
Arlen Decorte: Dude, look outside. I've got a friend in VT who says it was 65 yesterday . . . in JANUARY! The scientists might be over reacting in some areas, but they also have a many valid points. The same friend reccomended the movie "! The inconvenient Truth", I haven't seen it yet but they said it answers! a lot of questions.
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