Friday, 12 June 2020

Is this movie good?

Darren Heling: I liked the TV show, and Gina was hot.It was a so-so show overall

Dee Depung: yea.

David Kuper: I saw it, was pretty decent.

Mercedez Trabue: I didn't really like it and it was pretty boring

Edwina Fu: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. it's a good movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbJhnEzlu5A

Scot Rotruck: meh

Cuc Gire: If you liked the TV series Firefly, or Joss Whedon-type movies, then yes.I actually liked it better than I thought.And it wasn't Christina Ricci it was Summer Glau.

Azalee Ahrendes: it was boring

Catheryn Small: anything written by joss whedon is good and worth seeing.

Jose Calaycay: hugo pool ?http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119327/

Kaley Lappas: Don LaFontaine and Hal Douglas are probably 2 biggest VoG (voices of God) doing the "in a world" stuff. LaFontaine is credited with over 4000 movie and TV promo VOs and has made millions doing it (up to 60 spots a week) but I dont know what theyre p! aid on a per movie basis; . The union contracts for that can get intricate ... how many screens and for how long, etc. and he's "the man", the default go-to guy so he can command above and beyond everyone except maybe James Earl Jones....Show more

Luis Mellon:

Heidy Fujikake: Omg I love this movie it good don't matter wat people say it hot

Ervin Laeger: You know the deep voice introducing the latest movies ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLF2eda7TSs

Timmy Bustard: it is great

Lonnie Jehle: What are some good recent girly romance/comedies?(:

Kris Bozelle: er for ur info christina ricci is not even in that movie -rolled eyes- but anyways i must say i own this movie.. watched if over a million times.. 6 thumbs up for it.. its damn awesome

Noah Deni: The Robert Downey Jr. parts are from the movie Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Riley Migl: The Vow (2012)Restless (2011)New Year's Eve (2011)Like Crazy (2011)Flypaper (2011)

Lillie Yar! de: Serenity is so much more of an amazing experience if you'v! e watched Firefly, the TV series that the film was based on. If you watch firefly first, serenity will be SO MUCH MORE AWESOME!!!

Vernon Martorana: I liked it...In my opinion, Christina Ricci's best role

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