Saturday, 20 June 2020

What would it take to convert my 94 ford escort into a E85, LP, electric, or other alternate fuel vehicle?

Lon Pennington: find a local group for electric conversion, in UK the battery vehicle societyhttp://batteryvehiclesociety.org.uk/wordpress/advantages of being able to bulk buy batteries etcthere is also a yahoo group for diy_ev Conversion to electric is reasonably straignt forward, take out engine radiator, fuel system. connect an electric motor where the clutch spline fits, position batteries whereever possibleIn my 205 that was 5 in bonnet & 5 in boot, to give good weight distribution. You may want to upgrade suspension depending on type & range of batteries. it will cost more than $150, butElectric will definitly give a much better solution, quiet, smooth, high torque - a joy to drive. and you have got rid of most of the unreliable components on an old car....Show more

Scot Sepulbeda: It's a Ford. It might already be a flex-fuel vehicle, which given its year, would probably mean it was factory designed to accept an optional LPG kit. If so, it's an approved bolt-! on which will pass smog. Done! Lots of people convert cars to electric, and I believe the Escort is a good candidate. However that's very expensive and involved, and requires a lot of design skill and compromises. But at least passing smog isn't a problem, lol! Check here http://www.evdl.org/ for more on that.If you wanted to run an alternative fuel (E85 or LPG) in the existing engine, it wouldn't be terribly expensive, but performance and "smog emissions" would suffer. Don't even dream of trying that in a smog-control area, you would NOT pass inspection. "smog emissions" are HC, CO, NOx, SO2, particulate etc. which tend to cause smog in your local region. They are not greenhouse gases....Show more

Cliff Tyre: It will cost more than a '94 Escort is worth.

Douglass Sarley: Natural gas causes less emissions than gasoline. E-85 is a joke Ford vehicles of the 90s were real flex fuel vehicles as you could put any amount of methanol, ethanol,or gasoline in th! e tank and the fuel injection system compensated

Otto Li! ngafelt: Why? Converting to LP is not that difficult, but the savings and pollution reduction is questionable. The other modifications would cost more than just purchasing a newer little car that gets about 38MPG which would reduce pollution and save you money.Why do you think all these alternates are so much better? If they were, me and millions of others would be driving them. I am very concerned about pollution and have the means. I have not found any option other than a very small diesel/gas unit, or maybe a hybrid if primarily city driving are good options for now....Show more

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