Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Can you use references from school?

Boyce Gilhooly: Judging from your question earlier, you're looking for summer employment right? If it's for department stores, grocery, camps, etc. and you're a high schooler you can use pretty much anyone as a reference except family. You can absolutely use references from your volunteer work. An adult would be preferred. Other than that, old boss, teacher, guidance counselor, etc are also good references. Employers know that generally high schoolers won't have many references. 2 or 3 is fine. They also probably won't call them unless they have a concern after they interview you. Just remember to let your references know you're using them just in case they do call. This is all assuming you're applying for a normal summer job as a teen. They are honestly going to hire you if you seem like you'll be a good team member because you probably aren't doing anything that really requires too much (if any) experience...Show more

Margy Sandquist: Of course you can use referen! ces from volunteer work. You can also use teachers. Be sure to ask these individuals if they are willing to serve as a reference before you give out their names.You usually cannot use any relatives as a job reference.

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