Tuesday, 19 May 2020

who would rather be home schooled?

Luke Kosch: Start with a round dial clock, not a digital. There is an educational toy called a Judy Clock, but we used an old real clock that didn't keep time any more. You want a clock where you can move the hands on its face by turning them with your fingers on the front, (No messing with little screws on the back.) Show them how an hour is made of 60 minutes. We used the clock face numbers to count by fives -- this is important so that the child can understand why 1=5, 2=10, 3=15, 6=30. Once they can understand why 6=30 minutes, it is really easy to teach the rest. Practice, reset, practice, reset, practice, reset, practice, reset, practice, reset, practice, reset, practice, reset, practice.Then for a "test" they made their own clock face from a paper plate, strips of file cards for hands. and a paper fastener. If they label that correctly, then they understand where the numbers should go.

Reyes Brunell: Im homescoled too! it has its ups and downs ffirst of all! no homework!!! thats the best part unless you join a co op or something. also you have freedom to choose whatever curriculam you want to do. You cant use a God centered curriculum in public school can you? The bad things are that alot oof people think your some freak who doesnt know anything about the outside world. also that you can get EXTREMELY bored being at home all day long, especially if your stuck with your mom...uhh....dont remind me please. theres like a million more reasons too thats gunna take way tooo long to type down and i hope i answered your question. p.s. btw i think homeschooling is better ;)...Show more

Libby Berkovitch: i ask all the time give them good reasons to let me go i just really am sick of private school,because i well be going into high school and my friends dropped out of private went to public and they loveee ittt so any idea besides just talking to them about it???? thx

Hai Biggart: I thought homeschooling would be awesome un! til I actually became home schooled! *No playing with friends ! because they're at school and nothing to do all day*

Alden Sabio: When I was home schooled I thought it was so dumb that I couldn't be with my friends all day and that I had to be with my mom. But then when I went to public school I found out how much I really did like home school I didn't know that it was so good until I had something to compare it to. I liked being able to take days off and go on field trips. I liked not having homework that stretched into the night and I liked not having teachers that couldn't teach. So yes you are lucky because home school is pretty good....Show more

Raul Lushbaugh: I am home schooled and sometimes I say I don't like it but all my friends say I am so lucky. Just wondering what other people thought.PS - No homework!

Stan Conley: I thought bullying only happens in grade school and high school. You would think that it would stop in college. I'm having to deal with some students who are constantly making negative comments ! about me and they're not afraid to show it either. Sometimes, they even make nasty comments loud enough so I could hear them. I'm not a confrontational person, so ignore it, but it seems like the more I ignore them the more the situation gets worst. I don't want to talk to my teacher about it because I'm afraid they might retaliate. I don't know what to do. My boyfriend told me to confront them and let them know they're messing with the wrong girl.He thinks they're doing that because they think they can punk me out since they have been getting away with it. He thinks that they will continue to that unless I say something to them. Any advise? What should I do? I do want to go to the school authorities, but that wouldn't really stop them. I kind of agree with my boyfriend. This is really stupid because we're adult, but I feel like I'm in high school and I don't know how to really deal with it other than ignoring them.

Pam Rampadarat: I am home-schooled and I LOVE it. Th! ose who say that you don't get to socialize don't realize that they are! plenty of other places to socialize beside school with friends who can be very superficial. Plus, you don't get all of the stress that comes with normal school. And you can go at your own pace which is great.

Irma Poiter: I agree ! You forgot the pressure... the pressure to study in time, the pressure to have good clothes, expensive bags and cell phones, the pressure to not miss out on parties, the pressure to have a boyfriend but not just any the most popular... I am not defending home schooling either but I went to public high school and now I am home schooled because I had a hard time and was so pressured to do things like cigarettes, alcohol drugs... This way I meet for coffee with girls/boys I WANT TO not only the popular and not only geeks emos etc. I am privileged to do what I feel comfortable with study when I want and see who I want when I want!!! ♥...Show more

Maritza Ebanks: i would never trade my public school years for hanging out with mom! sure ! high school was hard but i learned more in public school through socializing with other kids than i did from the teachers! plus i would have never met my friends, my enemies, or my diverse group of role models (the teachers). being home schooled would mean trading thousands of memories (good and bad) with well, i guess chilling at home.

Miguel Densley: My kids love it. Their schedule fits them. So does their work. They are done by noon and we go somewhere most every day. I keep a blog and people are amazed at how much we have going on all the time. We have other homeschooled friends who get out at noon, too and we meet up. During the school year we go to a homeschool group that provides gym, field trips, "socialization", etc.I remember public school. I think my kids are more prepared for the real world than most adults. And they are having more fun. Did I mention we are already into summer. The public school down the street still has those kids going to scho! ol! We finished our required amount of hours/curriculum a couple of we! eks ago!....Show more

Ron Keliipio: in the two jr. severe and severe college, bullying has been a appropriate decision one situation that they desire to handle... even yet it incredibly is been on the appropriate of their lists.... it incredibly is not a controversy they act like they desire to dissolve.... no longer lots action is taken... and the only time some thing happens approximately it incredibly is wen it gets severe...

Abraham Ladick: My kids would. Their schooled friends will sometimes ask them to consider going to school, so they can see each other there, or eat together in the cafeteria.One of my kids asked, "if you didn't have to go, would you?"The friends answered, "no, I wouldn't." My kids have a lot of field trips, hands-on projects, fun classes that you just can't get at school (like "video game programming") and activities, and spend a lot of time with friends.The offer for them to go to school if they want stands in our house, but they reall! y don't want to....Show more

Charissa Bichsel: people who are so agians being homeschooled are really just ignorant. I'm homeschooled, and i love it! i'll be a sophomore next year. :) all my friends wish they were homeschooled now since they met me, they see that i'm really cool...and for sure not a dork. Since i moved here 8 of my friends have started to homeschool because they met me ;)

Margy Sandquist: hell noYoung teenage life doesn't come back. I love my childhood and teenage years when I went to school. I have so many stories to pass on to my kids. The way we used to run in school's ground and when teacher used to put us in groups to discuss topics. Lunch and breakfast breaks....PE class....all the small gatherings in schools. Annual functions....I won't trade it for anything........Show more

Inez Relihan: Be defensive (in a good way like talking to them) College students are now mature right? If you want an example, be like this " Hey, can I just a! sk why are you bullying me? So that next time there's no any problem?" o! r "Guys, aren't you tired of bullying me?" But FIRST of all, you are in school, to STUDY, not to mind those people who bullies you. Or if you're not the kind of girl that is defensive, deal with it. leave them alone and avoid them. They will be tired to bully you.

Delmy Varano: I would never want to be home schooled. Going to a school is a way of getting out of the house and socializing with other people. It's like being cut off with the world. If you didn't know many people outside of school, who would you hang out with? And Jr/Sr Prom in high school, home coming, who can miss the drama the girls pull(even though everyone tired of it)?

Becky Mosena: I think "angelsoqt" and "Tiffani" need to read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" and get a clue about the real world. Guess what girls..... the real world doesn't revolve around proms, parties, and what you think "socializing" is!

Alexander Villas: I am a Nanny and her teacher wants me to work with "my child" ! on this project.

Providencia Jalbert: I like me regualr school because i have friends that i love and i want to be around. But the past 2 years HAVE SUCKED. I had practiccly no frieds. I just sat around and did work. That is when i srsly wanted to b home schooled because i could get up at 9 or whatever and start. IT WOULS BE SOO MUCH cooler but i changed my mind scince then and who knows, maybe i will change it back.

Raven Purl: I am and LOVE IT

Stanton Degregorio: It's actually a private school and you're right I'm paying the school good money to get the education I need (over $15,000). Thanks for your advise!

Salvatore Walls: Sounds like community College talk to me. Bring it up with the proper authorities because you paid good money to get your education. I always tell myself this: Never argue with an idiot, they will just bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience. God will fight your battles for you. Good luck and God Bless!!!

Terresa Tsasie: well this is good for me to hear because I have be! en contemplating on sending my kids to a christian or public school which I can imagine is somwhat of what you are going though. I think when I reached the age of 14 or so I think a kid should be able to choose where they want to go. I also think that from a parents point of view they are thinking well if I send my kid to a public school will they be more likely to get into drugs, fights,off task etc. and there is a lot more kids which means the education the teachers may not focus so much on the children. Public schools are packed 35plus kids to a room. If you address your parents asking them your concerns and sharing your thoughts I think that hearing from them their thoughts as well as yours will not only clear the air but maybe even let them give what you would like to do a try.

May Stands: I'm home schooled and I love it! I hate it when people think that you have no friends or are a total nerd for being home schooled. Guess what people were not!! I have tons of f! riend and sorry but I might be smart but I'm no nerd and neither are the other home schoolers. I also don't have to deal with all the drama the school brings. Ughh and all those snotty girls.... I used to go to public school and I will never go back. There is nothing wrong with being home schooled. I have no trouble what so ever making friends and I'm very outgoing. I get to go out and shop in the middle of the day when everyones at school or go out to lunch with my friend. Being home schooled is AWESOME!! :)...Show more

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