Thursday, 28 May 2020

What does abstinence really teach people?

Long Woltjer: Self Control

Bethany Blocker: Abstinence provides you with self-control, freedom from std's and unwanted pregnancies.

Chi Alfero: It depends on what you are trying to learn.I was taught not to steal, so should I steal to learn from the personal experience? NO, I think not.So teaching abstinence teaching us that each and every whim or desire that crosses our hormones need not be acted upon. It teaches us restraint, self respect, respect of others, and to think about the consequences of our actions....Show more

Alexis Reyer: It teaches people NOTHING about proper protection so that when they do finally break down and have sex (which they invariably do at about the same rate as kids who were taught about contraceptives), they'll be far more likely NOT to use protection and therefore contract an STD or get pregnant.


Russel Gajate: It teaches them self-control. "Action" is no! t always better than "inaction".

Patrica Loertscher: frustration and waitingthat is why ppl get engaged

Connie Dickirson: It teaches you that even though you are an animal, you CAN control sexual urges! It keeps people from using you for your body. It keeps you from getting sexually transmitted diseases and from becoming a parent until you are ready to become one! Do you have to have a kid to soon, for you to know it was to soon to have one??? Do you have to experience aids for you to learn you don't want it?

Jefferson Sarson: It's the old "better safe then sorry idea". In this case, personal experience could mean death so wouldn't be a very useful lesson to learn via experience. It also teaches people to make choices based on complete information and that choices have consequences. At least that way, for those who take precautions but still get sick, crying nobody ever told me it wasn't 100% safe won't have credibility. IMO, abstinence should be co! vered in depth and pushed but it is unrealistic to believe tha! t any more then a small fraction of people will actually do so. The other options have to be explained in full detail too....Show more

Randolph Lozoya: It should teach masturbation.

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