Monday, 21 October 2019

Is Ucla a good school for majoring in Visual Arts?

answers1: It's a good school. It's situated right near Hollywood and
is quite prestigious. You can also try USC if you have the money and
it's not as competitive or hard to get in. To me, it seems anyone can
get in there.
answers2: I don't mean to be crass as having achieved any degree at
all is something to be respected for, especially a PhD, but math and
engineering, sciences in general, solve real world problems logically.
When it comes to liberal arts, it's kind of like you just fluff about
to prove your opinion (which is the operative word here) is correct
and others isn't. You don't really solve anything people care about,
and the only people that care about it is those studying that area.
Again, no offence, this is just the perception associated with it. I
don't believe it is a case (usually) is of "we're better than you",
it's more that the liberal arts just don't do much.

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