Saturday, 26 October 2019

is graffiti art or vandalism?

answers1: I think it depends on the quality and content of the
graffiti. There are some amazing artists who choose to use their
talents in the wrong place. However, I think it can be wonderful art,
and still be vandalism. So, both, I guess.
answers2: It depends on what the person is expressing, in my opinion. <br>
If someone is making a political statement, or is painting a mural or
whatever, then it's art. <br>
However, if a person paints "penis" in really big letters on an
overpass (as is usually the case), then I don't consider it art at
all. <br>
The same goes for gang signs. <br>
I used to have one painted on a railroad sign close to where I lived
when I was little, and it scared me to death knowing that that was
going on so close to where I lived.
answers3: It's vandalism if you don't do it on your own property. It's
art if you do it where you're allowed to.
answers4: Some of it is interesting, but a lot of it is silly, like a
big heart with "Bobbie loves Billie Sue" written on the inside. Some
graffiti (you must know this) conceals coded information from one gang
to another. This type of graffiti is a public menace.
answers5: Graffiti is a Art but when it is expressed on
buildings/freeways/fences/schools- homes/ is is VANDILISM FOR
SURE........and Punishable by law!!! <br>
Sounds Like there is a Artist in you trying to get out...Take some art
classes - what most artists use is a CANVAS.....these are cheap to
buy go to a arts and crafts store they come in different sizes and
spray away your art style on this canvas ..you could start a new
trend and have sidewalk showings like at arts and craft fairs...I am
sure you are not the only one who enjoys this Art style..I have seen
some very beautiful Graffiti and some pretty crappy ones.Some cities
allow a artist to use a side of a building and actually commission/pay
you for your art !! <br>
right...If you dont then someone else will come and spray right over
your graffitti creating a ugly graffiti ...just so you know....when
Vandals Graffiti neighborhoods the property values go down and
most people look at these areas as High crime neighborhoods...and want
to more or not buy a home there. <br>

answers6: I say both. But I think graffiti makes the buildings
colorful otherwise they are kinda dull. But I don't like graffiti that
is just crayola markers, Spraypaint looks way better.
answers7: Art is a broad topic and graffiti could be considered art. <br>
The important thing, even if it is art, it is vandalism, unless it is
on your own property or with permission of the property owner.
answers8: i no what u mean i think its really pretty too. but it is
vandalism. usually the graffiti are showing gang signs. if only they
used there art for good.
answers9: When trying to define what we see, we often want to attach a
label to something in order to give it substance. Unfortunately,
labels aren't always accurate. On the street a passer-by could
identify graffiti as urban filth or as simple vandalism. Others might
argue that graffiti enhances the urban landscape and provides telling
depictions of society. These people often compare graffiti with
gallery art. <br>

answers10: Both is the graffiti is on public property. <br>
It's art if it's not against the law.
answers11: graffiti can be vandalism when used in a negative way...of
course it is an art.

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