answers1: My school has a semester course titled Creative Writing,
which focuses on using the imagination to create both short stories
and poems alike, in the fall, and in the spring the course is replaced
with a production class for a school print called the Jabberwocky,
named after Carrol's creature, that is a once-yearly collection of
poetry and stories from the school body entire. <br>
However, a quarterly magazine would be very different, and would most
likely lack the resources necessary unless you devoted holidays and
summer to adding to it. <br>
Now, as to what is done in a poetry club, definitely start by
introducing a set style of poetry that is simple and easy to use, like
Haiku or Limericks, and after a few meetings (encourage work outside
of the club as well) have a presentation of some works members are
particularly proud of. After this introduce a new style, and repeat
the cycle until all the members feel comfortable with presenting their
material to each other, and then introduce the idea for a magazine.
Keep it to a once or twice yearly deal, though, because trust me:
putting out a poetry magazine is a lot harder than it sounds.
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