Thursday, 3 October 2019

Is philosophy critical to science?

answers1: Is philosophy critical to science? <br>
~~~ In a way. Science is a feeder branch of the tree of philosophy!
Many scientists fear philosophers, and vice versa, out of ignorance of
the other's abilities. A philosopher can make a whole area of
scientific inquiry, many theories, obsolete, with one good thought!
Philosophy without science is a leaky ship with no rudder!! <br>
Ultimately, they are the same tree! The tree of philosophy has many
branches, and one does not 'cause' the other. 'Causality' is made
obsolete by philosophy first. Science is finally catching up in many
areas. Empiricism, science, is an obsolete theory, as found by quantum
answers2: Yes, in one sense it is impossible to separate philosophy
and science, because when you do that, you are doing philosophy. <br>
Scientist might not care about the philosophical assumptions their
making, just as a baseball player doesn't care about the physics of
hitting a ball. Yet physics is essential to baseball, just as
philosophy is essential to science. <br>
I think some of these courses, particularly the one of philosophy of
science, can answer your question far better than I could. (link
below) <br>
All the best, <br>
answers3: Fact is front and faith is rear from eye.

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