Saturday, 19 October 2019

Is my knowledge of visual arts very limited?

answers1: I just took the quiz, it was pretty fun. I missed one. <br>
So I did well, but it is part of my degree so I've been actively
studying this stuff and really in depth. Perhaps you know a wide range
of art, but don't study it really in depth? Or you know a narrow bit,
but really, really well. Everything about it? <br>
Art history is really indepth. I don't care how well I did on this
test, because when I'm talking to my art history teacher and painting
professor I feel like I know nothing and have to study for decades
just to reach half the knowledge they have. <br>
If I'm not sure if my knowledge of a time period is very limited or
not, I assume I know nothing and take a class on it. I might end up
already knowing a bit of it, but I'll always learn something. I'd hate
to think I knew everything and then miss out on learning.
answers2: everyone has limited knowledge of visual arts, it doesn't
matter how much one knows or thinks they know... <br>
from the looks of the quize pablo picasso himself would score low... <br>
it is a matter of how much one has studied actually, and then what
they've read and what it said...
answers3: No, not by any means. Art by its nature is very broad, so
it's impossible to know everything. What's important is that you
personally have an interest in the subject. <br>
I have a degree in art history, and I didn't get them all right
either. Don't pay any attention to quizzes like this - there's really
no accurate gauge to measure what the extent of your knowledge is.
Keep on learning, but make sure it's for your own benefit!
IT IS AN EXPRESSION OF ONES FEELING, and you know how complicated
people are. <br>
answers5: I missed the one about Albrecht Durer's coat of arms, and
successfully guessed a few that I didn't actually know. :D <br>
It's just an online quiz. I did notice that a lot of the questions
were more about picking the right word than the right painting,
artist, or movement. And the scope of the test was fairly limited.
They may not have touched on the areas you know most about. <br>
I wouldn't let it get to me.

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