Saturday, 5 October 2019

Careers that involve philosophy?

answers1: Teaching, counseling and human resources management. In fact
philosophy can be useful in any field, without which easy and quick
success cannot be achieved.
answers2: Not much really, as someone mentioned before, it looks good
for law school...but law school in itself can be a risky investment,
the standards are very high, the pay is low, the demand for them is
low, honestly I would just change major, I understand if you love
philosophy, I mean who doesn't? We are all philosophers at heart, but
it's one of those things that are better off left as a smart hobby.
answers3: ha. go to grad school. that is your only hope. then teach
it. there is nothing else. <br>
looking back at my answer it seemed rather hopeless, but i swear i
meant it to be the best of advise... <br>
teach it. what's wrong with that?
answers4: Develope your own and live by it. Not someone elses made
just for their success.
answers5: A certainty seeker can do in basic terms approximately
something for a occupation for each little thing teaches you something
and one factor finally leads to a distinctive.. regardless of if a
real certainty seeker would not hassle assisting mankind because of
the fact it is an entire waste of time. we are doomed for dying. the
only secret to sparkling up is why we hassle ourselves with trivial
worldly issues.
answers6: Philosophy majors actually do quite well on the Law School
Admissions Test, and in the field of law in general. Any job that
requires analytic thinking and high levels of abstraction, really,
though these positions often aren't entry level.

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