answers1: You don't create, you can't. You can, tho, report your
philosophy as it develops, as time passes and it like everything else
changes. That's all you are, a (hopefully accurate) reporter. <br>
First hint; stop using "yall". <br>
Second hint; Grab yourself by the front of your shirt and demand to
know, just what DO you think about Taxes, about Global Warming, about
Abortion and about War as dinner topics, about Atomic Bombs in the
wrong hands; about what order you put things like this in? <br>
Your answers will define your philosophy. <br>
answers2: nicely, you will desire to have some thing to base it on, as
a results of fact no person has a philosophy that they did no longer
base it on some others philosophy. So, you would be able to initiate
with a number of our Founding Fathers, who had super philosophies.
answers3: Easy <br>
Step 1: Figure out what you like. <br>
Step 2: Outline in exacting, borderline-pathological detail why what
you like is important. <br>
Step 3 (Optional): Just for kicks (and to get published) attempt to
refute a very basic axiom. For example, existence. <br>
Step 4: Mention Plato somehow, ideally how he was wrong. <br>
Step 5: Wear a turtleneck sweater underneath a tweed jacket. <br>
Congradulations, you're a bonafied philosopher! With any luck, you'll
get your very own adjective.
answers4: Okay, I'm no expert but I will try to help. First, what does
your philosophy value the most (i.e. justice, health, social welfare,
etc). Second, how do achieve that goal; do you stop at nothing to
acieve the value or do make sure that the methods respect individual
rights. A philosophy should not be ambiguous and should be able to be
summarized in a sentence or two. Philosophies could also be likened to
types of governments or a debate case (Licoln-Douglas, but ignore if
you don't know what it means). If this doesn't help maybe look at some
books if you can find any. Good luck!
answers5: In the beginning there was the Big Nothing. <br>
Then Something began. <br>
And here we are now. <br>
The End.
answers6: Philosophy of what? The rules of Monopoly are in effect the
philosophy of Monopoly. Make up your rules.
answers7: What principles do you value most? <br>
I value empiricism, objective ethics and focusing on the form of
arguments. An extension of these things are (in my view) strong
atheism, anarchism and equality of children. <br>
I wouldn't focus on anything like "here are the four tenets of my
philosophy". Instead I would talk about how it actually informs my day
to day decisions and the standards that I hold. <br>
Hope that helps. Good luck!
answers8: I read that philosophy is the study of problems. <br>
Here is mine: <br>
"Respect is everything." <br>
"Be strong, so you can help the weak" <br>
What is best in life? <br>
1. Live long. <br>
2. Outlast your enemies. <br>
3. Die strong!
answers9: You already have one. To understand this, simply substitute
the word "philosophy" for "opinion". Surely you have an opinion many
things...hundreds or even thousands of things. Maybe you have an
opinion about abortion, or homosexuality, or capitol punishment, or
existence of God, or the nature of good and evil, or being truthful,
or obeying the law even when no one is watching, or the meaning of
life or why we're here, or even whether chocolate is good for your
mental well-being or whether the Yankees are better players than the
Red Sox. <br>
All these are philosophies of a sort. Some are important issues and
some are frivolous. Some things you might have studied deeply and
thought about a lot, and others may be opinions you've borrowed from
others that you've never even questioned. Everything you have an
opinion on represents your personal philosophy. The trick is to turn
what you believe into more than mere opinion, to have an understanding
of why you believe certain things and whether those are valid or
rational beliefs. In other words, question everything you think you
know or everything you think is true or false. Then you will be on
your way to being a true philosopher. It is helpful to read philosophy
because it can teach us how to think about things and it can help us
save some time in sorting out our opinions. <br>
See? It's simple really. You already are one and didn't even know it.
Now rise above the masses and become a good one. Don't be afraid to
change your mind about things as you go through life. As the saying
goes, there's no fool like an old fool.
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