Sunday, 12 April 2020

Getting you car repaired after an accident with someone who isnt certified?

Clemente Schoeck: Well, it's a gamble either way unless you go with a company that the insurance company guarantees. If the paint fades later on, at least then they have to repaint it.

Marcellus Exler: what do you mean "certified"? by the insurance co or in general. auto repairs shops link up with or are "cerified" by insurance companies, so that they are recommended by those companies, resulting in more work for them, because people will go direct to them and they are paid (usually a lesser rate) than someone else. inkansas you are not required to go to the "certified" company. you can go to whoever you choose. but them it's your responsibility to make sure you choose someone you trust....Show more

Christiane Cattano: where you spend it up to you no effect with insurance co-family friend working on car-if he knows his job wouldnt be any problem with work-only draw back if work is shabby might cause hard feelings trying to get work corrected

Deangelo ! Marchak: If the other insurance company has accepted liability and paid for your damages, it's up to you where you get it repaired. If you're getting it repaired for a lesser amount, cool. However, you should make sure the shop guarantees your body work.

Emeline Albracht: Tell them you want a check for your damages, go to a body shop and ask them for a quote in your case its 1200 and your insurance has to do wht you tell them cuz its your car and not theirs. Get the check for the 1200 and give the car to your friend and pay him 600, if hes a friend he should do a good job on it. And you have yourself 600 extra dollars to spend.

Augustus Sarria: FYI Maaco wasn't chosen by the insurance company, the car was inspected by an agent at the insurance company and determined the cost for the repairs to be 1200 which maaco agrees to this amount, I have the check in my hands i can do whatever I basically want with the check an insurance company can't tell you who you have ! to go to to get your car fixed, my concern is that their isn't! going to be proof of me fixing the car with a certified body shop, not meaning certified by the insurance but in general....Show more

Mark Villifana: It is do-able... BUT... the insurance company will decide which body-shop it chooses (usually the cheapest quote). Your friend would then most probably have to produce a VAT reciept from his certified vat registered company for a higher amount.Its actually Fraud, not gonna take the moral high ground.. but u should be very careful in going down that road, the VAT factor could upset the tax books etc.. etc.....Show more

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