Monday, 16 March 2020

When will the libs stop their bashing of corporations?

Carolynn Testani: What did Jesus have to say about the value of the corporation?

Anton Waln: How about when the corporations stop draining the life out of the economy, taking so much there's nothing left for the common people? How about when they stop using people's labor over the course of decades to make their profits, with the promise of a decent retirement, and then taking it all away, leaving people to rely on public support? How about when corporations stop using such rapacious and opportunistic business practices that not only do they drum up a climate of resentment and conflict around the world but literally crash the economy of their own country, leaving taxpayers to pay the bill, meanwhile giving their execs multi-million-dollar bonuses for their trouble? How about then?...Show more

Rosalyn Olivera: and everyone says the repubs keep the country going.........they do....right into the ground.

Janita Tetlow: Corporations have their place and the ! opportunity to bring America in the forefront of world production. But not without due diligence or by finding the cheapest supplier in a country where the workers can not afford the product. Has nothing to do with Libs. It's the economy. We gave it to them.

Dick Maisenbacher: What value did Jesus see in corporations???Our U.S. Constitution clearly says, "We the People..." not "we the corporations" or "we the special interests" or "we the wealthy elitists".If corporations keep America strong, they've not done a very good job recently. They've shipped most good jobs overseas; helped to devalue the American dollar; raped and pillaged through Congress to get favored legislation passed; cheated employees; gouged their customers; manipulated markets to their advantage; fixed prices to minimize competition; located their headquarters offshore to avoid paying U.S. taxes, and have been so mismanaged in recent years that they now are begging for corporate welfare checks ( ! to the tune of $8.5 TRILLION of taxpayers' money, to date). Yo! u're right, though: Without corporations, America would cease to exist.....and that's just about to happen as the American economy continues to collapse and millions of American taxpayers (who are bailing out these corporations) find themselves out of work and kicked out of their homes. Better that all 'big' corporations go bankrupt. Yes, it would be tough times for tens of millions of workers temporarily, but we'd survive (American individuals are resilient). Then 'big' businesses could be scrapped, and new emerging small businesses could return to their once important position in the American economy. -RKO-...Show more

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