answers 0:Yesterday I asked a question on here about getting a Associates degree after graduating with a BA. My BA will probably be useless once I graduate this year, it is in US Studies. I chose this major because I needed to choose a major to continue taking courses and this major basically allowed me to choose what courses I wanted to take. Since I didn't have any idea (and still don't) about what I want to do for a career I figured this was a good choice because it would allow me to take courses I was interested in and in a variety of subjects. Now I realize I am ill prepared for the real job world. I've developed skills in written/verbal communication and critical/analytically thinking which are useful skills for any job, but they haven't prep! ared me for anything. I don't want to jump into grad school because I don't know what I want to do or what field I want to go into. And I am worried with my degree I won't find a decent enough job to pay my school loans and other bills.So I am thinking about (after graduation) taking the highest paying job I am offered and then going to community college online or at night/weekends to get an associates degree in something like Dental Hygienist, Sonographer, Radiation Technician, etc something that teaches a skill quickly (I probably won't have to go for two years because I will have all the general education requirements from my BA) and will get me a decent paying job until I figure out what I want to go to grad school for. Maybe even just a certification instead of an Associates degree.Basically my question is what would be a good choice to get a degree in. I am interested in something medical but it doesn't have to be. I don't plan on this being my life long career (unles! s I end up loving it, which would be great!)....Show moreanswe! rs 1:I think you are on the right track with the medical fields. When you take your classes at the community college, you get hands-on experience and often get connected with professionals working in that field who can help you network for jobs later. I say pick the area of the medical field that you think you will enjoy the most.In terms of your current degree, even though it is in U.S. studies, there are a lot of jobs you can get with any bachelor's degree so see what is out there. I think your plan to take the best job you can get now to help pay for more school is a good plan. Definitely do not go to graduate school until you absolutely know what you want to do. Give yourself time to find the right major and field for you....
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