Thursday, 2 July 2020

Are single women fooling themselves by saying?

Dedra Furguson: Definitely not!Only the un-confident, needy girls feel this way.

Bernadette Roel: it depends. if they are ugle then they probably have no choice lol and they are just saying that to convince themselves. but if they are sexy and smart, they probably just enjoy all the freedom. and with guys drooling over them 24/7 everywhere they go they got all the attention they need. when your hot guys buy you stuff all the time and do nice things for you all day. complete strangers! why ruin a good thing?who needs the down falls of having a boyfriend when you get all the good things of having one for free without the attachments? lol...Show more

Dexter Dingus: I think it just depends on the person and their past experiences. Some women may have had a very bad relationship and haven't felt more than happy being single than in a relationship. It's not so bad to be a single woman and living alone. I think every woman should experience at least living alone fo! r a year.

Manual Burtis: No, I think single women who feel that way truly feel that way.I believe it's the women who cannot be single who have the issue. To have to rely upon another for happiness is one of the saddest things imaginable (to me anyways).

Chris Wilczewski: i know some guys that are intimidated by skinny beautiful women.some actually prefer notthe "perfect" body

Raven Purl: sure why not?

Cristopher Gavalis: No

Nikita Schroepfer: I don't like it if a girl is chubby. They don't have to be super thin either.

Ulrike Hert: Some guys like that. There's alot of men out there, some will like em stick skinny, others won't.

Granville Stray: yep.

Cordia Fivecoat: complex factor. research using google and yahoo. that will could actually help!

Irving Jordahl: Yes. Lose the weight, start dating someone, marry them, then put the weight back on. That's what most chicks do.

Clare Hoard: No....

Gaston Edgcomb: ! NO, single has it's perks. You don't have to answer to anyone.! There are times when it's good to be single and free from drama. Plus is depends on the types of relationships you've had. If they caused more stress then joy, then you're better off being single and enjoying the time until you meet a good guy.

Bethany Blocker: I introduce myself and ask them their name. I find the direct approach works best for me. Then I will usually ask them something that might be on my mind, nothing vulgar. Usually, I would like to know where they are from. By this time, I will have an idea, if they are interested in my presence. If they are, I may follow up with a compliment, something that is true about them. Something that lets them know what caught my eye about them.I would never ask to talk about something they may have strong feelings about, one way or another; at least not right away. an example of what not to talk about right away might be a new piece of evidence about the collapse of the world trade center buildings.Since I bro! ught this up, Would you take a look at about 8 - 10 minutes of this interview with Professor Steven Jones ? It's a 45 minute video and well worth looking at, to its end. At the very least, pass it on to those you care about.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-284238498...

Peter Lapoint: I think it might depend on the person, some might actual love to be single, and some just might not want to seem desperate.

Ervin Overbee: Guys do have certain standards to chubby-ness. I personally, and thankfully do not think like a boy but I do know an example. My best friend is wider than, I, she has a very "soft" body, not firm at all. And he boyfriend, who has also dated very lean and muscular girls, LOVES IT! He is always hugging on her, and squezing her stomach, and holding her legs. Guys do like a little something to play with, so you should be alright!

Jorge Gerrero: Yes it will. Looks are more important for guys than it is for girls.

Antwan Schrum: n! o, i have a friend who got out of a heavy relationship last year an sin! ce, she has made her life exactly how she wants it, she is sick of people telling her that she'll find someone an one day she'll be happy again! she has a really good job that she has worked really hard to get an is still climbing the career ladder an she has a really good fun group of mates, so at the moment she doesn't want anyone coming into her life an complicating it, which is fair enough, she may meet someone one day, she may not, as long as she's happy, why would she need a man in her life in order to be happy?...Show more

Nikita Schroepfer: YES THEY ARE..

Samara Siewers: I believe that half of them that say it, honestly and wholeheartedly can go forever and a day being single because their last relationship probably held them down, now they just feel liberated and well free. The other half say it because it brings attention and they don't have the courage to say the complete opposite of "I love being single", which is I hate my life and need some D*** qu! ick but they are also suffering from personal issues (self-esteem, jealousy, envy, denial, alot of things counter into that) which make them come off as needy, clingy, a f' ing psycho so they create this positive attitude and go bi-polar on you when you least expect it....Show more

Karl Jantzen: well it depends some ladies are really happy they are single for the simple facttat they feeel free and they have time to just concintrate on there self! but this one here sounds like she is really alone........ but you could never be sure.. maybe she is happy?

Davina David: nah i dont think so. we all have our way of living. some are dependent others are not.if someone chooses to remain single, she knows what she's been through before making that decision.let sleeping dogs lie.

Darrel Stele: uh, no. if they weren't happy being single, they wouldn't be single.

Isreal Kochheiser: Some yes, others no. Like i like both being single and being in a relationship. ! But after a bad relationship, you love the single feeling!!

Leont! ine Kreitz: An actual example, not just "oh something about school, or sports,etc." because it does'nt work that way.

Ollie Hamiel: I've gained some weight and have gotten pretty chunky.. my belly has rolls and hangs over my pants when I sit. But what my realy question is, do guys mind? Like does it bother them if a girl is soft and squishy? Would it keep them from dating me? thanks

Byron Fortmann: 1

Codi Manchel: not really,as long as your a decent enough weight thats it not repulsive,i prefer a girl with more meat then one with just skin and bones personally,

Gennie Shauer: Some guys like big girls, the more important question is are you ok with being overweight. If you are happy I wouldn't worry about it.

Georgia Dees: me and him had a rough history and i hurt him.. but we're friends again and i still love him. how do i get him to want me back? guys: what do you look for in a girl?

Providencia Jalbert: There in denial!!! duh...

M! ajorie Chester: My sister is honestly happy single right now.

Wally Perrien: I'm on both sides of the fence with this one. On one side, I'm completely happy being single. On the other side, I LOVE to have someone to talk to late at night who understands me, I found him. Haha.Some women probably are fooling themselves I'll agree with that. But others, like me, aren't. If that makes any sense at all....Show more

Caleb Chapman: that can go both ways, women or men, i've heard it from both sides. it really depends on the person and situation, their experience. the truth is being in a relationship is hard work and for it to work both parties have to give, try, and i mean everyday. there has to be a mutual respect for one and other, give and take from both parties to make it work. its hard and life has a way of throwing curve balls from no where which can either make your relationship stronger or end it.if that single person was in a relationship being abused (mental/ ! physical etc) giving that 50% but not getting it back or even giving mo! re, being treated like a prisoner than yes i can see how and why they would be happier to be single. truth is i don't think most people like being single, sometimes it is just better for them that way. and the small percentage of those who do like it just do, but that would be a small percentage in my opinion. if you know someone who feels this way then be happy for them, unless you are with them 24/7 you really don't know what they are going through or have gone through to feel how they do about anything for that matter....Show more

Norma Marsalis: Yeah, they're either in denial, or just trying to make others believe that they are happy. Everyone wants someone.

Spencer Heidtbrink: There are many ways to get back your ex boyfriend. But the proven and which works are very few. When I was going through the same dilemma I just followed the tricks from a Free eCourse and as it promised, I got my girlfriend. No problem I works for both female and male. It just worked! for me. You too can try. http://101waystogetexback.com/go/baitexback-boyfri...

Alisa Kaleiwahea: Some are, some aren't. Guess it's a personal preference but everyone needs someone. We are a social animal.

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