Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Where to put a heat mat for my new snake?

Byron Fortmann: You're posting in "Home & Garden", specifically in "Maintenance & Repairs". Try posting this question in the Pets section, you are more likely to get real answers.Home >All Categories >Pets >ReptilesGood luck!...Show more

Comment configurer un système de caméra vidéo pour LittleBigPlanet 2

Comment configurer un système de caméra vidéo pour LittleBigPlanet 2

Réglez le minutage de chaque caméra pour qu’elle affiche tout ce que vous voulez sans rien couper. Veillez à ce que les dialogues soient chronométrés de manière à ce qu’ils apparaissent également à l’heure de l’appareil photo.

Programmez vos Sackbots de manière à ce qu’ils interagissent avec l’ensemble comme vous le souhaitez. Cela signifie aussi changer leurs expressions au bon moment et bouger leurs bras comme il faut. Si les Sackbots interagissent les uns avec les autres, vous voudrez peut-être marquer l’endroit exact où ils sont censés être avec un autocollant.

Enfin, connectez la sortie du commutateur activé par l’utilisateur à la première caméra. Maintenant, testez le tout en passant en mode lecture !

Une fois que le timing est parfait, attachez une micropuce à un bloc de matière noire qui ! n’est pas sur la scène.

Réglez maintenant l’angle de chaque caméra de façon à ce qu’elle montre tout et seulement ce que vous voulez voir dans le film. Cela rend votre film plus agréable.

Utilisez des bouches magiques avec des minuteries pour ajouter des dialogues à votre film. Si vous avez un microphone PS3, vous pouvez aussi enregistrer votre propre voix.

Placez le nombre désiré de caméras de cinéma sur le circuit imprimé de la micropuce. Chaque caméra sera une scène de montage.

Connectez la sortie de chaque caméra à la caméra que vous voulez afficher ensuite jusqu’à la fin.

Placez maintenant la porte de départ sur un tableau d’affichage éloigné du set. Placez maintenant un interrupteur activé par l’utilisateur sur la porte de départ et réglez son rayon de déclenchement de manière à ce qu’il couvre complètement l’entrée.

Utilisez des minuteries pour chronométrer les explosions, les changemen! ts d’éclairage, etc. Les minuteries sont probablement l’u! n des outils les plus utiles puisque vous pouvez mettre votre film dans une séquence d’une seule seconde.

Créez votre décor et vos accessoires. Veillez à ce que chaque détail compte. Les timbres et les décorations sont un bon moyen d’ajouter des détails. Vous pouvez également vous assurer que tous les objets ont la bonne forme à l’aide de l’outil d’édition d’angle.

Monday, 24 August 2020

Are the Fort Worth water gardens open right now?

Kris Bozelle: "Right now" wouldn't make a difference for the end of this month because they are only drained for a short time and not too often. Call Ft. Worth Parks to find out if they will be doing scheduled maintenance on the dates you want. The Water Garden is normally open all year 24 hours a day in my experience. Love it. Liked it better before the human failures in maintenance (and design) killed people and forced a reworking.

Cómo tratar el glaucoma felino

Cómo tratar el glaucoma felino

Siga las sugerencias de su veterinario para el tratamiento de la presión del ojo. Los tratamientos médicos incluyen gotas aplicadas a los ojos que actúan para limitar el líquido en el ojo. Desafortunadamente, son menos efectivos en el glaucoma más pronunciado, y funcionan mejor cuando se administran como tratamiento preventivo para un ojo sano que está en alto riesgo de glaucoma, o cuando se detecta un problema temprano. Los medicamentos utilizados para el tratamiento incluyen

Trate el dolor de su gato. El veterinario también puede prescribir alivio del dolor sistémico, como medicamentos del grupo antiinflamatorio no esteroide. Usted será responsable de darle a su gato estos fármacos de forma regular y de evaluar si le está dando lo suficiente para aliviar su dolor.

Cuide a su gato en casa. Asegúrese de que su gato reciba todo el amor, la atención y la gentilez! a que necesita después del tratamiento, sea cual sea el tratamiento que esté recibiendo. Esto significa entender que puede tener una capacidad física limitada por un tiempo y que usted tendrá que darle un cuidado especial.

Preste atención a los cambios en el comportamiento. Esta es una condición dolorosa, por lo que el temperamento de su gato podría cambiar. Podría volverse retraído o inesperadamente agresivo. El gato también puede parecer especialmente cauteloso o incómodo si usted se mueve para tocar el lado afectado de su cara.

Discuta la necesidad de pruebas adicionales. Es posible que el veterinario también quiera realizar análisis de sangre u otras pruebas de diagnóstico. Esto le ayudará a descartar la presencia de enfermedades subyacentes, como la peritonitis infecciosa felina.

Lleve a su gato al veterinario. El veterinario examinará el ojo, buscando signos de inflamación subyacente, así como cambios que sugieran la presencia de gl! aucoma. La mayoría de los gatos sufren de glaucoma como resul! tado de la inflamación en el ojo, que bloquea el drenaje de líquido (humor acuoso) causando que se acumule.

Pregunte si el uso de un tonometer ocurrirá. Para completar el examen del ojo, el veterinario utiliza un dispositivo llamado tonómetro. Este instrumento mide la presión dentro del ojo y es esencial para el diagnóstico del glaucoma.

Discuta los objetivos del tratamiento con su veterinario. El glaucoma felino no se puede curar, por lo que el tratamiento está dirigido a controlar la acumulación de presión para que haga el mínimo daño. Desafortunadamente, para cuando el ojo está visiblemente hinchado, el daño al nervio óptico ya está hecho y muchos gatos han perdido la vista permanentemente.

Busque los síntomas físicos del glaucoma. Mantenga a su gato quieto y mire sus ojos. Un signo claro de glaucoma es que el ojo parece más grande que el otro. Este agrandamiento es causado por la presión que se acumula en el ojo.

Hable con su v! eterinario sobre las opciones quirúrgicas. Las opciones quirúrgicas son limitadas, especialmente porque la mayoría de los gatos han perdido la vista cuando se diagnostica el glaucoma. Esto significa que la opción quirúrgica más amable suele ser aliviar las molestias a través de la enucleación (extirpación del ojo).

Cuide especialmente a un gato que ha tenido una cirugía. Si su gato se ha sometido a una cirugía para el glaucoma, tendrá que ayudarlo a recuperarse. Limite su actividad y asegúrese de que no se rasque o roce en los puntos.

Sospeche de glaucoma si su gato se queda ciego de repente. Muchos gatos con glaucoma se quedan ciegos repentinamente. Sospeche de la ceguera repentina si su gato empieza a chocar con objetos o parece no estar seguro de su posición.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Cómo obtener una licencia de armas en Massachusetts

Cómo obtener una licencia de armas en Massachusetts

Proporcione su información personal en los campos proporcionados. Se le pedirá que ingrese su nombre, dirección, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, los nombres de sus padres, sus rasgos físicos, información de ocupación y empleador, y su número de seguro social o de licencia de conducir.

Proporcione los nombres e información de contacto de dos referencias personales, no relacionadas con usted. En algunas ciudades o pueblos, también se le puede pedir que presente una carta de recomendación por escrito de estas personas. Consulte con la policía local sobre este requisito.

Complete su solicitud. Firme y ponga la fecha en los campos apropiados en la parte inferior de la solicitud de licencia de armas. Su solicitud estará incompleta sin su firma y probablemente le será devuelta sin ser ! procesada.

Consulte con su departamento de policía local para conocer todos los requisitos de la solicitud. La ley estatal establece los requisitos básicos para las solicitudes de licencia de armas, pero la decisión final es tomada por el jefe de policía local para cada ciudad o pueblo en Massachusetts. Cada departamento de policía tiene cierto margen de maniobra en la documentación que necesita con cada solicitud.

Haga una copia de su Certificado de Seguridad de Armas de Fuego. En cualquier ciudad o pueblo, para obtener una nueva licencia, tendrá que presentar pruebas de que ha completado un curso de capacitación en seguridad de armas de fuego. Tenga una copia con usted cuando envíe su solicitud.

Lleve la solicitud y los materiales necesarios a su departamento de policía local. Usted debe llamar al departamento de policía o revisar su sitio web para ver si hay ciertas ocasiones en las que aceptan solicitudes.

Ser «adecuado» para llevar ! una licencia de armas. La ley estatal dice que la licencia pue! de ser denegada a cualquier persona que se considere «inapropiada para que se le expida» una licencia. La determinación de si usted es «apto» depende del jefe de policía de la ciudad o pueblo en el que vive y solicita la licencia. Esta determinación se basa en «información fiable y creíble» de que el solicitante se ha comprometido o puede comprometerse en un comportamiento que causaría un riesgo o peligro para la sociedad.

Marque si esta es su primera solicitud o una renovación. Si esta es su primera solicitud, indique que es un nuevo solicitante marcando la casilla «Nuevo solicitante» en la parte superior del formulario. Si se trata de una licencia de renovación, marque «Renovación» y proporcione su número de licencia más reciente.

Rellene el cuestionario sobre su situación legal. Se le pedirá información sobre su ciudadanía, condenas pasadas o delitos graves, si alguna vez ha sufrido de una enfermedad mental, adicción a las drogas o a! l alcohol, si alguna vez ha estado involucrada en violencia doméstica, y si hay órdenes de arresto pendientes.

Tener la edad apropiada para la licencia que está buscando. El solicitante de una licencia para portar un arma de fuego (LTC) en Massachusetts debe tener por lo menos 21 años de edad al momento de presentar la solicitud. El solicitante de una tarjeta de identificación de armas de fuego (FID) debe tener al menos 15 años de edad, con el permiso de los padres. Un solicitante que tenga al menos 18 años de edad puede solicitar un FID sin el consentimiento de los padres.

Ser residente de Massachusetts. Todos los residentes legales de Massachusetts, sin importar su ciudadanía oficial, son elegibles para obtener una licencia para poseer o portar un arma de fuego en Massachusetts. Hay algunas maneras para que un no residente de Massachusetts obtenga una licencia de armas temporal para un propósito específico. Si esto se aplica a usted, entonces póngas! e en contacto con el departamento de policía de la ciudad o pueblo don! de va a visitar.

Preparar la cuota de solicitud. El costo de la solicitud de licencia es generalmente de $100. Verifique con su ciudad o pueblo para verificar la cantidad y la forma de pago que se acepta.

Llene la solicitud de licencia de armas de fuego con claridad y cuidado. Deberá completar el formulario cuidadosamente, ya sea escribiendo a máquina o con letra de imprenta clara y legible todas las respuestas. Es importante que lea las instrucciones antes de completar el formulario. Si tiene alguna pregunta al completar la solicitud, debe ponerse en contacto con el departamento de policía local.

Obtener la solicitud de licencia de armas. Su solicitud de licencia de armas comienza completando el formulario «Massachusetts Resident LTC/FID/Machine Gun Application». Puede obtener una copia del formulario de una de las tres fuentes posibles:

Inscríbase y asista a un curso de seguridad con armas de fuego. El propósito de tomar el curso es educarse! sobre las leyes de armas de fuego de Massachusetts, además de aprender a manejar un arma de fuego de manera segura. Algunos cursos son ofrecidos por departamentos de policía locales y otros por empresas privadas. El curso básico de seguridad de armas de fuego incluirá lo siguiente:

Indique el tipo de licencia de armas que está solicitando. Por ejemplo, si usted sólo quiere que la licencia compre un arma de fuego y la mantenga en su casa, entonces necesita lo que se llama un FID. Ponga una marca de verificación al lado de «Tarjeta de Identificación de Armas de Fuego». Si usted está solicitando permiso para portar un arma de fuego, necesita la licencia de LTC. Debe seleccionar «Licencia para transportar».

Siga todas las instrucciones adicionales que el Departamento de Policía requiera. Algunos departamentos requerirán sus huellas digitales junto con la solicitud. Después de presentar su solicitud, junto con los materiales que la acompañan, la pol! icía llevará a cabo una investigación de antecedentes tanto dentro d! e Massachusetts como en cualquier otro estado donde usted haya vivido, utilizando la información proporcionada en la solicitud de licencia de armas. El departamento de policía le informará sobre el método y el plazo en el que recibirá su licencia de armas.

Estar libre de discapacidades mentales u otras limitaciones de salud. Nadie puede tener una licencia de armas en Massachusetts que haya sido internado en un hospital por enfermedad mental, abuso de alcohol o sustancias, o que haya tenido un tutor designado sobre la base de una incapacidad mental, o que se haya descubierto que tiene un trastorno por abuso de alcohol o sustancias. Hay algunas excepciones, si el solicitante es capaz de presentar las conclusiones de un médico que atestiguan que la condición ya no se aplica en el momento de la solicitud. Si alguna de estas descripciones se aplica a usted, debe leer el texto completo de la ley cuidadosamente y consultar con un abogado.

Encuentre un curso de s! eguridad de armas de fuego con licencia. Para solicitar una licencia de armas de fuego, usted necesitará completar un curso de seguridad de armas de fuego. Usted puede encontrar uno de varias maneras:

Explique por qué está solicitando una licencia de armas de fuego. La policía debe controlar el número de solicitudes que aprueba y las razones que las motivan. Usted necesita ser sincero en este paso y no buscar una respuesta que usted crea que la policía quiere escuchar. Si cree que lo necesita para su seguridad personal, dígalo. Si puede dar más razones (tiroteos recientes en su área, etc.), eso puede ayudar a su explicación.

Completa el curso de seguridad de armas de fuego y recoge tu certificado. Después de completar con éxito el curso de seguridad de armas de fuego, usted recibirá un Certificado de Seguridad de Armas de Fuego. Deberá presentar una copia de este certificado cuando solicite una licencia de armas de fuego de Massachusetts.

Ten! er antecedentes penales positivos. Su expediente no necesita estar abso! lutamente limpio, pero hay limitaciones. La ley estatal es muy clara en cuanto a que no se puede otorgar una licencia de armas en Massachusetts a ninguna persona que haya sido condenada por alguno de los delitos descritos a continuación. Si alguna de estas condiciones le es aplicable, debe leer cuidadosamente el texto completo de la ley y consultar con un abogado:

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Where Have All The Cottage Gardens Gone?

Erin Arron: Industrial farms and agriculture have killed off a lot of the family farms and gardens, which are so much more earth friendly. So, same for your cottage gardens. Easier for folks to buy mass-produced, industrial, chemically grown veggies than to till their gardens. But I think that this is headed for a turn around. People are beginning to understand the carbon footprint and environmental impact of flying and trucking food all over the world instead of just buying from local farmers and gardeners. People are also becoming more and more aware of the benefits of organic growing and natural animal husbandry, which include elimination of un-natural chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers and hormones from the food chain, and the ability to eat foods that have greater nutritional value.I've heard that there is a trend in the UK toward villages declaring themselves "Fair Trade" villages -- meaning that all the foodstuffs to be found in the markets are either locally/! organically grown or if imported have been certified Fair Trade.So, Optimism, dear friend! Optimism!And, have you planted YOUR cottage garden? (Even if it is just in a window box?)...Show more

Deangelo Marchak: I was asking around about something similar to "cottage gardens" here in the U.S.During WWII, we used to plant what were known as victory gardens, as a way to reduce the strain on industry and provide food to people in times of increased need.Why we can't bring that concept back in order to help the "war for the environment" effort is beyond me. I guess it's just that everyone wants the easy way out. They want to change a light bulb, or carry a canvass bag, but no one wants to make long term cultural changes....Show more

Norine Lomonte: Long time passing.

Kris Bozelle: actual West united states (everywhere West of Somerset - Devon and Cornwall). yet there are those places everywhere in the country - as quickly as you get faraway from the enormous c! ities. Oxfordshire is gorgeous working example.

Comment faire une illusion sur Microsoft Paint

Comment faire une illusion sur Microsoft Paint

Vaporisez la couleur uniformément sur toute la toile.

Sélectionnez la couleur bleu ciel (ou toute autre couleur vive).

Allez au bouton Démarrer â†' Tous les programmes â†' Accessoires â†' Microsoft Paint, ou vous pouvez ouvrir Microsoft Paint en cliquant sur Démarrer â†' Exécuter et tapez MS Paint, puis cliquez sur le bouton OK.

Equipez l’aérographe à partir de la barre d’outils et sélectionnez une brosse de taille moyenne ou grande.

Regardez l’écran aussi près que possible.

Essayez de croiser les yeux ou de faire la mise au point et vous commencerez à voir des formes et des figures imaginaires.

Faites une toile de format carré qui occupe environ un quart de la page.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Landscape photography with 18-55mm lens?

Agustina Stimmel: It's fine. Contrary to popular belief, you do not NEED a wide angle lens for landscapes You do if you want wide angle, dramatic landscapes, but ANY lens can be used to take a landscape picture. Telephoto lenses, for example, are great at compressing distance & picking out details in a landscape.Your 18-55mm is fine. What is more important is a good understanding of lighting & exposure and a good sturdy tripod!If you find you want/need to go wider than 18mm, that's the time to buy a wider angle lens....Show more

Malcom Bourek: yes, as it has a wide angle (18mm) which is best for landscapes. in terms of sharpness/quality, its not the best but what do you expect? its one of the cheapest nikkor lenses

Emeline Albracht: Kenji, you need a better lens like a wide one .i suggest 17-40 or 27-40 wide. Go to any photo store and try one. There is a big difference between your entry 18-55 default lens and a good wide angle lens.Good luck!

What are the pro's or con's of being an Dental Hygenist or Assistant?  

What are the pro's or con's of being an Dental Hygenist or Assistant?  

answers 0:What are the pro's or con's of being an Dental Hygenist or Assistant?answers 1:Dental assistant pros:-Although you have a lot of responsibility you don't have to be "in charge". You can rely on the dentist to make the big decisions.-You will get to know the ins and outs of dentistry better than a hygienist.-You are basically the finder of all things in the dental office--hopefully ppl appreciate you for this.-If a patient is unhappy, the dentist usually handles the problem.Dental Assistant cons:-You are often not appreciated as much as any other dental team member-There is a high turnover rate of assistants because a lot of dentists treat their assistant's badly (and they often seem so nice in front of the patient)-The dentist basically watches your every move.-You will be running aro! und much more than a hygienist does.Dental Hygienist pros:-You are more highly respected, at least by your peers-Your hours are almost always very consistant.-You're not always scrambling to make room for emergency patients (though it can happen sometimes)-You get more privacy, the dentist doesn't watch your every moveDental Hygienist cons: -If something goes wrong, you are responsible for it.-You have to deal with cranky patients yourself.-You have to come up with small talk for the patient all by yourself....answers 2:I love being an assistant. The pay and hours are GREAT! The only thing I'd say that is a con is grouchy patients. Sometimes I just can't deal with their drama. But, if you get in with a good dentist, you've got it made. You get free dental care as long as you're in the profession. Other dentists offer free or highly discounted work as a "professional curtosey".Hygenist is about the same. They make a lot more money, but it's hard to find full-time work since ! dentists don't use hygenists full-time. If health and other be! nefits are important to you, I'd maybe rethink this....answers 3:Pros-Fun job, no weekends, decent pay.Con-Having your hands in peoples mouths all day.answers 4:I'm a dental hygienist.. i love my job, its a new face every 45 minutes.. but the con of that is sometimes people are just in a bad mood and get an attitude.. i work full time, no weekends, excellent pay, holiday pay, medical benefits, free dental care, bonuses,.. if i need a day off i just have to make sure i can reschedule all my patients for that day and its no problem to take off. i enjoy going to work everyday..you just have to find a friendly office where all the staff gets along, or else it could be not as fun. and as far as sticking your hands in peoples mouths all day, you get used to it, but it isnt for everyone, you will find out quickly in dental hygiene school if it is for you or not. good luck!...

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Is it considered good when the shower curtain falls down?

Hyman Coren: That means it's better than good,

Chi Alfero: the only thing i see happening is sell something of yours worth about 160 or if you are coordinationg with two people each sell something for 80. or borrow a little bit from lots of people and pay them all back as soon as u can. if u do that, make a list of who gave u money and how much so u know who u owe and how much u owe each person.

Janeen Perona: i have a boyfriend of two and a half year and its a piece of sh*t

Horace Escue: Ohhhhh yeah Jase....thats passionate and raunchy nookies!! Half ya luck!

Pam Rampadarat: The whole point of dating is to find your future wife or husband. If this isn't a goal then don't bother wasting another person's time who has that goal in mind. Relationships can be great and you'll learn things about yourself you wouldn't have otherwise noticed. You'll have good times and some trying times. You fight and make up. The first couple months will be really gr! eat when everything is new and exciting and the other person is still a mystery.Me? I'd rather be single than put up with a woman's self-created drama. Women can be amazing and great and make your life worth living. They can also be quite a handful and make you throw your hands up in the air saying, "F*CK IT!!!!!" I'm sure most women would say the same things about men.One tip: COMMUNICATION IS SO IMPORTANT!!!!...Show more

Wilfred Santacruce: Probably, but not surprised at all. lol

Arnulfo Seegars: Maybe... Good sex is how it feels not how destructive it is.

Anibal Scheid: I'm such an oddity, they'd jump at the chance. But, I donate my organs to help someone live, immediately, before I donate to "science"

Antonia Mogg:

Lahoma Beadell: Take any adderal/vayvance? sell that, if you have any weed, sell that, any morphine,codeine etc sell thoseI've seen kids faking having ADHD at my school just to sell the pills, and make an easy $200 a month of! f of the XR extended release capsule ones.

Aubrey Tirri:! LOL!!!!!!!Nice job Yahoo! Don't think I've ever seen someone get zinged by their own question like that before.Anyway, yes I think it's a good sign, but it also means a lot of water on the floor....Show more

Pei Heatherly: As in long-term I mean over 6 months.

Marvel Mcaulay: no - I'm well aware it's been abused. But I have offered and will donate if they want me..

Dale Mccoun: How old are you, like 10?

Irvin Guiles: For what reason; even a body that's unusable for transplants has educational value. Offended? I would be shocked, bewildered and mystified; they can't get enough.

Lillie Yarde: Go around your neighborhood and ask to wash peoples cars for $10 a car, you will on need to wash 16 to get your cash OR you could hock something worth that amount to a pawn broker~

Rodolfo Merel: If I say what's truly on my mind, I'd get reported and possibly suspended.

Rufus Plough: If it is your stunning 22 year old neighbour having the showe! r sex, then YES it's considered good when the curtains fall. You get a clear view.If it's you having it..i dont want to think about it!

Janean Guz: I think the Yamster is onto you, Bud...All in fun. I couldn't resist...

Aubrey Tirri: I don't want my body chopped up and then have my liver given to someone who abused alcohol, my heart given to someone who didn't exercise and eat right, my lungs to go to someone who smoked, or my brain to go to Barack Obama.Donating my body to science or organ donation is not for me. I'm going to have my body cremated and have my ashes blasted into space on a rocket ship so that I will float around in space forever. By the way I'm rich....Show more

Phillip Modafferi: rob 160 old ladies

Nelly Kikuchi: It depends, Good Sir, on whether she was in or out of the shower at the time.

Gaylord Barragan: See the adderal thing is kind of hard when you don't have health care. Weed is kind of hard to make $160 in day when you'! re just starting.

Chet Nozick: I have never been in a serious rel! ationship and I am hoping that it will happen soon, anyway. Whats it like having long-term girlfriend/ boyfriend? Is it really that amazing?

Randa Hessell: Yap!

Renato Abatiell: maybe it means too rough!

Troy Monsivais: Good Lord, there's 10yr olds having shower sex???

Lon Pennington: Well I guess that would be a factor in how good it was or you have a raggedy shower curtain.

Francisco Schonhardt: Get a pole for your shower, don't let her hang from that flimsy curtain rod...

Madie Strople: I'm not old enough yet :P I was wondering the same thingStupid hormones :P

Patricia Bolduc: I was planning on having myself filled with that stuff that turns you into a plastic figure, then the grandkids would always have me around.

Carmelina Enoch: I think it's good if you don't realize you knocked it down until your done...

Majorie Chester: Yeah Not really i did it.Its not cool.Very Cold.And dirty:[]Good Luck...Show more

Gerald! o Mccalla: Heck yeah!

Marya Fehn: Chcoolate Bear isn't comfortable with the thought of some scientists sitting around a table eating him...Thats why he will never donate his body to science..

Kiersten Clayburn: 1. Your butt is still clean because if you wash your hair last it's just shampoo buds. 2. It's probably just upset you just fell on it. It may have not hurt to you but it may have made your *** upset. 3. HELL NO! 4. Your *** was already clean. Not much happens there besides sitting on a toilet.

Eleni Mccier: Nope, They have accepted my Body for Donation. I asked about organ donation, they told me I could not be an organ donor as they would need my entire body organs and all to conduct their study.

Arnoldo Budzynski: Lol. Well, actually, I think I would have to be dead before it could be donated and I would be busy being dead and have no time to be offended!

Toney Flaten: Sure as long as no one gets hurt.

Ira Porietis: Not really. ! At my age, my body is not is the best of shape. Dead or alive.

St! an Conley: No but on a serious note we really need &160

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Bathroom Remodeling ideas? Color theme?

Raye Tredennick: beige/brown natural-stone-looks better ...i like that..

Gabriel Realmuto: Well I also like the type 2 because colors combination are simply awesome. My cousin also remodel his bathroom. Last time when I visit his home, I noticed a lot of structural change. He told me that he took renovation services online from http://www.bathroommyplacewithstyle.com . I really like his bathroom vanities. Whole idea is very unique and attractive.

Dorine Nurre: I like Type 1, example 1 the best.

Jules Ashbach: I like type 2. The color is awesome.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

remodeling a condo/home?

Shad Bushweller: Yes, if you own it.No, if you signed an agreement that you would not do such and such to it. Pull out your contract and see what it says.

Alonso Crehan: Sure it can, if...1. You own it,2. You have a lot of money.And this applies only to the inside of it.

Stephnie Patout: Depends on the rules of the association and probably whether "remodeling" involves taking out interior walls or putting holes in out walls. In theory, within your own walls, your condo is your castle, you own it.

Antonia Quinnett: If you own it, probably yes. However your condo association might have specific rules about electrical, plumbing, etc. that you must follow for safety reasons. You should check that out first. For remodeling, you'll also most likely need to obtain building permits, especially if you plan to move any walls or plumbing, or if you plan to change or improve the electrical system.You might also run into a problem if you plan to make changes to ! any windows, and you might even need an attorney to ascertain whether you, as the owner, actually OWN the windows (since windows are an interior and exterior surface) or whether the windows are common-area (and thus are owned/governed by the company that manages the property). I mention that, specifically, because I lived in a condo and that issue DID come up when it became necessary to replace the windows.Good Luck to you!...Show more

Monday, 17 August 2020

A baker can decorate the day's cookie supply four times as fast as his new assistant. If they decorate all t?

Sherita Gallati: good enough its been many years considering the fact that I've performed these things. I made matters convenient tho. I mentioned that every min the baker did four cookies and the assistant did a million for five cookies a minute. Then I increased that via sixteen(min) for a complete of eighty cookie for the day. With that data I determined that it might take the baker best 20 min. While it might take the assistant eighty min.

Carli Watterson: The baker decorated four times as many as his assistant.So for every 5 cookies, the baker decorated 4, and the assistant decorated 1.So the baker decorated 4/5 of the cookies in 12 minutes, and the assistant decorated 1/5 of the cookies in 12 minutes.The assistant, therefore, can decorate all the cookies in 12 × (5/1) = 60 minutes, which is 1 hour.The baker can decorate all the cookies in 12 × (5/4) = 60/4 = 15 minutes....Show more

Cómo manejar a un artista

Cómo manejar a un artista

La gestión de la carrera de un artista o músico es una carrera exigente pero gratificante. Como administrador de talentos, usted supervisará la carrera del artista ayudándolo a encontrar conciertos y oportunidades de actuación. Muchos gerentes coordinan con grandes sellos discográficos existentes para tratar de encontrar actuaciones para sus artistas. Tendrás que empezar por reclutar artistas y ayudarles a grabar e interpretar su trabajo. A medida que tu carrera despegue y el tiempo pase, artistas más conocidos vendrán a buscarte.

Evaluar el carácter de los clientes potenciales antes de aceptarlos. La relación entre un artista y su manager es profesional y personal. Asegúrese de que los artistas que dirige sean personas éticas, trabajadoras y resistentes al estrés antes de aceptar ayudarles a encontrar acuerdos discográficos y oportunidades ! de actuación. Dado que algunos de estos rasgos toman tiempo para notarse, usted puede hablar con otros gerentes o artistas con los que los clientes potenciales han trabajado antes. Pregunte sobre la personalidad y la ética de trabajo de los clientes potenciales.

Sea paciente y trabaje con la apretada agenda de los artistas. A diferencia de otras empresas, los músicos no siempre son puntuales, profesionales u oportunos en su correspondencia. Mantenga la calma, sea paciente y no se moleste si un artista no se atiene a un alto nivel de profesionalismo.

Infórmate sobre nuevos artistas a gestionar a través de las redes sociales. Por ejemplo, podría seguir los blogs de música de moda en los medios sociales para averiguar qué es lo que entusiasma a la gente de los nuevos artistas. Luego, comuníquese con esos artistas a través de un correo electrónico o una llamada telefónica y pregúnteles si desean contratarlo para que usted los administre.

Aprecie l! as maneras en que su trabajo es significativo. Los mejores ger! entes de talento a menudo operan entre bastidores y no son reconocidos. Habrá momentos en los que no recibirás muchas gracias por el trabajo que estás haciendo. Sin embargo, si usted aprende a darse crédito por un trabajo bien hecho, encontrará que el trabajo es significativo sin importar si se le agradece o no.

Entrena a tus artistas en tiempos difíciles en sus carreras. Mientras que los amigos y familiares de su artista formarán parte de sus redes de apoyo personal, tendrán que confiar en usted para que les brinde un apoyo profesional y orientado a los negocios. Siempre sea honesto sobre las finanzas de su negocio y el estado de su carrera, y elogie a sus artistas por su arduo trabajo.

Gestione el presupuesto profesional de su artista para ellos. Los artistas que usted dirige estarán ocupados escribiendo e interpretando nueva música, y no les quedará mucho tiempo para supervisar su presupuesto profesional. Como su manager, entonces, esta responsabil! idad recaerá en usted. Tendrás que asegurarte de que el presupuesto de tu artista no caiga en picado por cosas como:

Solicite sugerencias de artistas de los actos que usted dirige actualmente. Si tienes 2 o 3 músicos o grupos que diriges actualmente, piensa en ellos como recursos para ayudarte a encontrar nuevos artistas. Por lo tanto, hable con los artistas que usted representa actualmente para averiguar qué nuevos artistas están escuchando. Es posible que hayan escuchado algún rumor que usted no haya escuchado, o que puedan recomendarle amigos o conocidos talentosos para que usted se las arregle.

Ayude a sus artistas a mover su carrera en la dirección que les gustaría. Una parte sustancial de su trabajo como gerente consistirá en ayudar a que las carreras de sus artistas progresen de manera que los haga felices. Diferentes artistas quieren cosas diferentes de sus carreras. Escuche a sus artistas y discuta las maneras en que usted puede ayudarlos a alc! anzar sus metas particulares. Por ejemplo, puedes ayudar a tus artistas! a alcanzar metas como:

Ofertas de campo de potenciales editores de música y sellos discográficos. Una vez que su artista comience a acumular algún rumor, los sellos discográficos y los editores de música comenzarán a acercarse al artista con ofertas de discos y publicaciones. Es tu trabajo interceder entre los representantes de la discográfica y el artista. Considere las ofertas que se están haciendo, y determine si son o no en el mejor interés de su cliente.

Involucrar al artista en los contratos comerciales, presupuestos y calendario de trabajo. Mientras que algunos artistas disfrutan participando en el lado empresarial de la música, otros la aborrecen. Sin embargo, si usted puede involucrar al artista en el lado de los negocios, ellos llegarán a tener más respeto por usted y por el trabajo que usted hace para su carrera. También hará que el artista sea más capaz de ayudar a manejar su propia carrera. Así que, podrías:

Frecuentes clubes! de música y conciertos si no eres conocido como gerente. Comienza tu carrera como manager recogiendo a músicos y artistas desconocidos en espectáculos locales. Echa un vistazo a los espectáculos locales y a los locales de música underground, y encuentra algunos artistas cuyo sonido te guste. A menudo, una vez que se enteran de que eres gerente, los actos musicales se acercan a ti para que los manejes. Si no es así, es posible que tenga que presentarles la idea.

Busca nuevas formas de promocionar y promocionar el trabajo de tus artistas. Como gerente, tendrás que ayudar a tus artistas a mejorar sus carreras alcanzando nuevas audiencias. Puede hacerlo a través de revistas, televisión o medios sociales. Por ejemplo:

Dé su opinión creativa, pero no se sorprenda si es derribada. Muchos gerentes tienen un papel en el trabajo creativo de sus artistas, aunque la mayoría del trabajo está orientado a los negocios. Por ejemplo, puede sugerir que uno de sus mÃ! ºsicos cambie el orden de un concierto en vivo o que introduzca una can! ción más rápida en un álbum. Que el artista acepte o no la retroalimentación depende de ellos.

Reserva conciertos para que tu artista actúe en ellos. Puede ponerse en contacto con los gerentes de la sede y del club y preguntarles si tienen algún hueco en sus reservas que su artista pueda llenar. Tenga en cuenta que los diferentes lugares se adaptan a las diferentes multitudes y serán apropiados para los diferentes tipos de artistas. Por lo tanto, como parte de su trabajo, tendrá que familiarizarse con los lugares locales y su gestión para ver cuál será el más adecuado para reservar a su cliente.

High tech laundry detergent?

Bibi Tyron: The first answer was not satisfactory. READ THE QUESTION

Georgianna Zollo: yes, you can find tide and gain that say HE, they are around same price than regular ones

Venetta Coulbourne: A high efficiency washing machine NEEDS a less-sudsy soap. Regular laundry detergent is too sudsy and can ruin the machine with repeated use. The detergent ends up getting into the works of the machine and strips the bearings of their grease.So, yes, you really do need high efficiency detergent for a high efficiency machine. No gimmick.Hope this helps.-...Show more

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Certificate/ License to clean dogs?

Ramon Dahlheimer: No, it's fine. People start dog walking/cleaning buissness all the time. It's legal.

Bryant Chaudhry: In some states a license is required to be a server. If you provide these services in a mobile studio (van) or in a store front licenses more than likely would be required.

Aldo Decurtis: no. can u answer my questions? please

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Comment créer un aventurier

Comment créer un aventurier

p>Les volailles exploitent les bienfaits curatifs des herbes pour traiter une variété d’affections. Bien que les cataplasmes ne devraient pas être utilisés pour traiter des problèmes de santé graves, vous pouvez utiliser les cataplasmes chauds et froids pour apaiser l’inflammation et les problèmes de peau, et pour soulager la douleur et l’inconfort. Sélectionnez les herbes appropriées pour différentes conditions, créez un cataplasme, puis appliquez le cataplasme pour favoriser le bien-être naturel.

Créez un cataplasme de premiers soins de base. Ce cataplasme peut être utilisé pour des égratignures, coupures, bosses ou ecchymoses mineures, de la même façon que vous pouvez utiliser un pansement ou une compresse froide. Cependant, si la blessure n’arrête pas de saigner ou si une coupure est plus longue que 2,5 cm (ou plus profonde que ⅛-¼ inch), appelez ! un médecin.

Utilisez le pissenlit et la cale jaune pour les problèmes de peau. La sécheresse ou l’onctuosité de la peau sont généralement traitées avec une combinaison de ces trois herbes. Contenant des acides gras et des phytonutriments similaires, ces herbes peuvent être quelque peu efficaces pour aider à éclaircir l’état de la peau, avec un lavage régulier à l’eau chaude et au savon.

Parlez à votre médecin de l’utilisation de cataplasmes. Les volailles peuvent être utiles pour les affections courantes et les douleurs mineures, mais vous devriez consulter votre médecin si votre état ne s’améliore pas ou s’il s’aggrave. Si vous ressentez une douleur ou un inconfort sérieux, consultez un médecin dès que possible.

Soulager les infections respiratoires avec un cataplasme d’oignon. Tranchez et coupez en dés un ou deux oignons de taille moyenne â€" n’importe quel type d’oignon fera l’affaire. Chauffer l’oignon hac! hé à feu doux dans une petite quantité d’eau (1 à 2 cuil! lères à soupe) jusqu’à ce que les oignons soient tendres. Égoutter l’excès d’eau et mettre les oignons dans le cataplasme. Laisser refroidir les oignons pour qu’ils soient à une température confortable contre votre peau. Ensuite, attachez-le et placez-le sur votre poitrine. Remplacez le cataplasme toutes les deux heures.

Choisissez la bonne variété d’herbes pour votre maladie. Différentes herbes peuvent être incluses dans un cataplasme pour traiter les symptômes que vous essayez de traiter. Les propriétés médicinales des différentes herbes varient, il est donc utile d’investir dans un manuel ou un guide de terrain sur la flore locale afin d’avoir une meilleure idée de ce qui est disponible et comment on peut l’utiliser.

Apaisez les piqûres d’insectes et d’araignées avec un cataplasme astringent. Vous pouvez utiliser un cataplasme astringent pour extraire le venin ou les toxines des morsures. Alternez un cataplasme de charbo! n actif avec un cataplasme de bicarbonate de soude toutes les quatre heures pendant les 24 premières heures.

Essayez la menthe pour la congestion. L’une des herbes les plus couramment cultivées et utilisées pour les cataplasmes est la menthe, qui est particulièrement utile pour traiter la congestion et autres problèmes respiratoires. La menthe fraîche fait un cataplasme efficace et agréable à l’odeur sur la poitrine pour aider avec les problèmes respiratoires supérieurs ou de congestion. La menthe poivrée, la gaulthérie et d’autres menthes communes sont toutes efficaces lorsqu’elles sont utilisées de cette façon.

Faites un cataplasme anti-inflammatoire. Les affections inflammatoires de la peau comme l’acné, l’eczéma et le psoriasis ainsi que diverses éruptions cutanées peuvent bien réagir aux cataplasmes si la surface de la peau est relativement petite. Les herbes aux propriétés anti-inflammatoires qui peuvent être utilisées da! ns les cataplasmes comprennent le gingembre, la sauge, le thym, le curc! uma et l’orme glissant.

Se débarrasser des verrues avec un cataplasme d’ail ou d’oignon. Peler et hacher une ou deux gousses d’ail ou la moitié d’un petit oignon. Placez l’ail ou l’oignon dans un cataplasme assez grand pour couvrir la verrue et non la peau environnante. Laisser agir de six à huit heures par jour. Après avoir enlevé le cataplasme, rincer la zone à l’eau tiède. Alternativement, vous pouvez le laisser dessus toute la nuit et le rincer le matin.

Recouvrir les herbes d’une pellicule plastique. Pour garder votre mélange humide, vous pouvez le recouvrir d’une couche de pellicule plastique. La couche de pellicule plastique aidera également à empêcher le contenu du cataplasme de se retrouver sur vos mains pendant que vous le tenez en place. La pellicule plastique formera le « dos » du cataplasme, la partie qui s’éloigne de la peau et de la plaie.

Utiliser des cataplasmes chauds pour l’inflammation. Différent! es températures sont traditionnellement utilisées pour différentes afflictions, pour apaiser, soulager ou guérir, selon les cas. Si vous avez souffert d’une certaine variété d’inflammation, interne ou externe, il est plus courant d’utiliser des compresses chaudes, dès que possible après avoir mélangé les herbes chaudes et créé le cataplasme. Assurez-vous qu’il soit confortable au toucher, mais aussi chaud que possible.

Préparez vos herbes séchées ou fraîches. Alors que les herbes fraîches sont généralement préférables pour leur abondance de nutriments, les herbes séchées rendent aussi les cataplasmes efficaces et parfois plus facilement disponibles. Tant que vous avez les bonnes herbes, un bon cataplasme peut être fait avec des herbes fraîches ou séchées.

Envelopper le mélange d’herbes dans une mousseline ou un tissu de coton fin. Un tissu entièrement naturel doit être utilisé pour envelopper les herbes en vue d’un cata! plasme, et les plus courantes sont la mousseline ou un mince bandage de! coton. Le tissu doit être non irritant et respirant, afin que les herbes puissent guérir la zone affectée.

Essayez l’oignon pour la douleur à l’oreille ou aux sinus. Bien qu’il puisse ne pas fournir le cataplasme le plus odorant, l’oignon est un traitement couramment utilisé pour les douleurs aux oreilles ou autres douleurs liées aux sinus, ainsi que les odeurs de pieds. Sous forme fraîche ou séchée, l’oignon peut faire un cataplasme efficace pour son astringence et sa puissance. En médecine ayurvédique, les cataplasmes d’oignons sont aussi couramment utilisés sur la poitrine pour traiter les douleurs thoraciques, la congestion et d’autres maladies respiratoires.

Fixer le cataplasme sur la zone à l’aide d’un bandage. Une fois que vous avez fixé votre cataplasme dans un bel emballage, placez-le sur la zone affectée, le côté avec l’emballage tourné vers le haut et l’autre côté en contact avec votre peau. Selon votre affli! ction, il peut être important de bien nettoyer la zone avec de l’eau et du savon.

Soulager les douleurs musculaires, les douleurs, les entorses et les foulures avec un cataplasme à la moutarde. Mélanger une cuillère à soupe de moutarde en poudre avec 4 cuillères à soupe de farine. Ajouter une à deux cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive et faire votre pâte. Préparez votre cataplasme et enveloppez-le ou posez-le sur la zone blessée pendant au plus une heure à la fois.

Traiter l’inflammation et l’inconfort avec de l’hydraste ou de l’orme glissant. La douleur générale ou l’inconfort rhumatismal peut être traité avec un cataplasme d’hydraste et d’orme glissant. D’autres herbes utilisées pour des afflictions semblables comprennent le sureau, le fenugrec, le lin, l’orme glissant et la lobélie.

Appliquer des cataplasmes froids pour les problèmes de peau. Tout ce qui est irrité en surface doit être traité avec des compre! sses froides. Après avoir préparé votre mélange d’herbes et embal! lé le cataplasme, remettez-le au réfrigérateur pendant quelques minutes pour le refroidir. Tout ce qui est raclé ou irrité doit être traité avec une compresse et un cataplasme frais.

Essayez les cataplasmes chauds pour soulager la douleur. Si vous essayez de traiter des douleurs articulaires ou musculaires avec un cataplasme, c’est une bonne idée d’utiliser une compresse chauffante, qui combine un cataplasme à température ambiante avec une couche chauffante de bandages.

Renseignez-vous sur les différents types de cataplasmes aux herbes. Il existe de nombreuses herbes différentes qui peuvent être utilisées dans un cataplasme, mais elles sont souvent divisées en trois catégories. Un cataplasme peut être de l’un des types suivants :

Enveloppez le cataplasme et fixez-le avec du ruban adhésif. Après avoir recouvert les herbes d’une pellicule adhésive, enveloppez le chiffon et fixez-le fermement avec du ruban adhésif pour former un p! etit paquet solide. Utilisez du ruban adhésif médical pour fixer les bords et maintenez-le dans un paquet serré, aussi plat et aussi sûr que possible.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Define health and well-being?

Joel Feagler: I am attaching links. Health: Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. - wikipedia, Jan 3 2012Well-being: Well-being is most commonly used in philosophy to describe what is non-instrumentally or ultimately good for a person. -- stanford encylopedia of philosophy Jan 3 2012...Show more

Virgilio Echter: having a healthy mental, social and physical life

does getting a tooth pulled and then getting dental implant hurt?  

does getting a tooth pulled and then getting dental implant hurt?  

answers 0:im getting 2 extractions and my dentist says i need implants after the get them pulled...and im really nervous about getting it done. so who ever can share what they had done on them about implants that would be great:).answers 1:getting your teeth pulled is a piece of cake. Does not hurt at all. Your mouth will be numb and u will not feel a thing. As far as implants they normally require special training so make sure your dentist know how to do them or u may issues in the future.answers 2:When you are getting your teeth pulled, the injections will hurt. It did for me. The pulling procedure didn't hurt until the affects of the injection wore off. You will probably get a few days off to let the pain subside. Im not totally sure about dental implants, but my guess is that they will inject your gums again to numb them and then they wil! l implant the new teeth. My guess again, is that it will hurt for a few weeks. Eat soft food only for that while. Best of Luck!...answers 3:the needle/shot they use to make your mouth numb hurts a little bit, but when they are done it doesnt rlly hurt; goodluck!:]answers 4:Getting your teeth pulled out will hurt if done with out painkillers. All dentists will inject you with a local painkiller, wait till it takes effect before pulling out the teeth. A few unfortunate people have bad experiences like teeth being pulled out before the pain killer could take effect, or pain killer not being administered at all and so on. But those are mistakes which rarely happen. Select a competent dentist and you should have absolutely no problems. Regarding implants again find a competent implant dentist. During the implants a local anesthetic will be administered and implant placed in the bone. You will be given painkillers for the next few days during which you might experience a slight ! discomfort. You should be fine after that.Dental Implants are ! the best option to replace missing teeth. If you want more information the following source has tons of articles on the subject. http://www.dental-cost.com/implantscost/dentalimpl......answers 5:I've recently gone through having a complete dental implant process. Is this being performed by a Implant Specialist? If not, you really need to do your homework and go only to someone who specializes in Dental Implants. Having the teeth pulled affects everyone differently but they must be pulled in order to put the implant stems into the bone. A trained specialist will make you very comfortable. I think dental implants are absolutely wonderful. They are very costly so get everything in writing. Two implants are a piece of cake! Easy, easy, easy!! Good luck - I think you're making the right decision just make sure you select the right practitioner....

Thursday, 13 August 2020

What areas should I work in if I want to become a nurse who works in the LEAST most stressful areas?

Isreal Kochheiser: All area of nursing have some degree of stress, but I would agree with the other answer posted...in a private practice would most likely be the least amount of stress. Women's Health deals with stressful situations all the time, whether in a women's surgical unit or a labor and delivery unit. My best friend worked in labor and delivery while pregnant and had to deal with the death of a newborn infant...talk about stress. It all depends too which area of labor and delivery you are working in...if you are not on a high-risk unit, the stress would be less and the outcomes are great! Good luck!...Show more

Cliff Tyre: An office. It's still very stressful, but its not as bad as the hospital. Try family practice or dermatology.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Optical Mouse Not Working?

Donnie Bolio: mmmm, sounds weird. Maybe its a connection. See if you can call Best Buy for their Geek Squad and since it doesnt seem like its a huge problem....they might be able to answer your question over the phone for free.

Fermin Tara: in basic terms they visual reveal unit adjustments in the item they are placed on like a sprint digicam seeing how the floor adjustments because it strikes for the time of it. it may experience which direction that's shifting and the relative velocity, giving the flow on the reveal screen. Sorry if its not very sparkling inspite of the undeniable fact that it truly isnt that straightforward a thought.

Buster Exline: How old is the mouse? The lifetime for an optical mouse is shorter than the old type. Wireless even shorter. I have to get a new optical about every 18 months. As a previous answer said try cleaning the mouse lens with some rubbing alcohol, if that doesn't work then get a new one.

Ambrose Mumma: You might! try cleaning out the optical lens on the bottom of the mouse with a Q-tip and some Isoprophyl Alchohol and if it still doesn't work then your mouse has run its course and you need a new mouse. That's just my opinion though :).

Virgil Loatman: geek squad overcharges, that being said, if it's a microsoft mouse they tend to end up with kinks in the chords that cut off signal, aka buy a new one, not sure if that happens alot with other brands, screw wires go wireless

Ronny Dorge: I'm now using a mechanical mouse, but it wont work as well.

Cómo mostrar apoyo a un miembro de la familia transexual

Cómo mostrar apoyo a un miembro de la familia transexual

Recuerde apoyar a su familiar trans tanto como pueda. Puede parecer que son una persona completamente nueva, pero en realidad no lo son. Son exactamente lo que están destinados a ser y seguramente serán más felices.

Trate de aprender todo lo que pueda sobre las identidades transgénero. Cuanto más conozca la situación, más podrá ayudar a su familiar.

No los apresures. Si un miembro de la familia le ha dicho recientemente que son trans, lo mejor que puede hacer es no apresurarlos. Lo más probable es que les haya costado mucho hablar sobre ser trans, así que no les hagas muchas preguntas a la vez. Deje que hablen todo lo que quieran y espere a que lo vuelvan a plantear antes de hacer más preguntas.

Sea respetuoso con las preferencias de cambio de nombre. También con el tiempo, su familiar puede! elegir cambiar su nombre. No te enojes porque estén cambiando su nombre de pila. Será difícil adaptarse al nuevo nombre, pero será más fácil con el tiempo.

Cambie los pronombres de género de acuerdo a sus preferencias. Con el tiempo, el miembro de su familia puede sentir que le gustaría que le llamaran otros pronombres. Trate de respetar sus deseos y haga lo mejor que pueda. Si cometes un error, no sigas disculpándote; sólo sigue adelante y olvida que sucedió.

No olvides que es un momento difícil para todos. Por muy difícil que sea para usted, será el doble de difícil para el miembro de su familia. Definitivamente les ayudará si no vas a contarle a la gente sobre su transición. Que digan a quién quieren cuando estén listos.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Can Refusing Treatment Get You Labeled Mental Health By The Nhs?

Marcelle Vanlith: They cannot label someone with a mental illness just because they are refusing treatment unless they are refusing treatment for an actual mental illness. If they had asthma or cancer etc and was refusing treatment then no they would not label them with a mental illness. If they had a mental illness such as Bipolar or Schizophrenia and was refusing treatment then yes they will have been labelled with a mental illness.

Comment faire pour obtenir Rock Smash dans Pokémon Rubis Pokémon

Comment faire pour obtenir Rock Smash dans Pokémon Rubis Pokémon

p>Rock Smash est un coup HM pour tous les jeux Pokémon. Rock Smash vous permet de briser des roches pour collecter des objets, combattre des Pokémon ou accéder à des zones cachées. Lorsqu’il est utilisé en combat, Rock Smash peut abaisser le niveau de défense de votre adversaire. Pour trouver Rock Smash dans Pokémon Rubis, vous devrez visiter la ville de Mauville.

Trouvez la maison grise à droite du Poké Mart. Prendre la direction nord de la route 110, jusqu’au centre-ville. Le Pokémart est à votre droite. Passez devant le marché et entrez dans la maison grise.

Obtenir Rock Smash. Une fois que vous aurez vaincu Wally, il décidera de retourner à Verdanturf. Son oncle vous récompensera avec HM06 Rock Smash, car vous avez eu une influence positive sur son neveu.

Va au g! ymnase de Mauville et affronte Wally. Il bloque l’entrée du gymnase et vous devez vous battre avec lui pour y entrer. Heureusement, Wally est plutôt faible, avec un seul Pokèmon de niveau 16.

Battle Wally. Le jeune homme vous mettra au défi d’une courte et facile bataille de Pokèmon contre les Ralts.

Obtenez l’insigne du Dynamo. Watson vous décernera l’insigne du Dynamo et le TM â€" 34 Shock Wave lorsqu’il sera vaincu. L’insigne vous permettra d’utiliser Rock Smash en dehors de la bataille, afin que vous puissiez accéder aux zones qui sont bloquées par les rochers.

Va à Mauville City. Entrez dans la ville par la route 110. Mauville City est une ville multicouche avec un magasin de vélos, un gymnase, des machines à sous, et plus encore.

Visitez le gymnase de Mauville. Le gymnase est situé en haut à gauche de la ville, près de la route 111. Wally et son oncle seront dehors.

Battle Watson, le chef du gymnase. C’est un! gymnase électrique, vous aurez donc besoin d’un Pokèmon a! nti-électrique pour réussir.

Entrez dans la maison grise et parlez à l’homme à la table à l’intérieur. C’est un scientifique qui se fait appeler « Rock Smash Dude ». Il vous donnera HM Rock Smash.

Mental health worker?

Gennie Shauer: Working in Behavioral Health is one of the most rewarding, yet dangerous aspects of medicine.If the patient became combative and violent, restraining him was the only thing you could have done to protect yourself AND him. Injuries do occur, regardless of how careful we try to be, simply because we cannot control what the patient does or how he may respond to our corrective instruction and/or action.In my opinion, you did not go too far. You did not strike the patient, you simply restrained him when he became a threat to you, himself, and anyone else who might be near. You did your job the best you could in the situation with which you were faced....Show more

Willis Liburd: I also was once in charge of dealing out cigarettes at a nursing home to Psy patients. I was also threatened but never injured. I left the field and now work in a much safer environment. I agree that it is a very difficult field to work in. it is my personal opinion that althou! gh I loved working with the people, but the compensation was not worth the risk,...Show more

An Cardine: I think you handled it correctly. You gained control quickly and no one was really hurt. Had you argued with the patient, things would have gotten worse. You took control and showed the patient you could over power him/her so maybe they won't do it again. You should know the procedure when something like this happens so as long as you followed it you have no worries. Just do not turn your back on this patient. Since the patient knows you can overpower them, they may try something sneaky to get you. The only other thing I could think of which may not have worked was you stepping back and asking for assistance so you would have a witness to what was going on and also having help would have intimidated the patient and he might have backed off without physical restraint...Show more

Jed Porada: I think you need to talk to your manager or a person higher up so that! you can tell them your concerns and they can reassure you.You! did do the right thing in my eyes, if he was aggressive.

Kaylee Schmittou: Ok for many years I volunteered on the more violent long term care units of a state mental hospital in Maryland. Patients with mental problems do get upset. There are many times when patients want to do things that are unsafe or not allowed by the rules. Yes whenever a patient is hurt it is a serious situation.If you have been hit it is your duty to bring the patient into control and compliance with institution rules. There are times when force must be used to accomplish the goals of bringing a patient back into compliance with hospital policy. When thinking about your role as a patient management specialist you must always consider your responsibility to all the patients under your custody. The Four C's of helping patients in an institutional setting are. CLOSE, CARE, CUSTODY and CONTROL! First you must keep institutionalized patients close as in a close accounting of their whereabout! s and actions. Next is care if you do not "Care" about assigned patients you are in the wrong career. Custody means you must act in the best interest of those person you are charged for protecting. Custody is more than just holding patients in a building. Custody means you must act in ways that insure their health welfare and safety. Finally you must Control not only the patient but the environment on the ward, unit or area.Control is about that individual patients right to be free from harm. However control is more than that. Control is making sure no patient is in a position to incite antisocial behaviors in other patients that could cause you to lose control of the unit. Control is not about fighting a patient until he is a bloody pulp but neither is it allowing yourself to become a punching bag for some higheroble cause. Control is about taking the least violent course to restore peace and order to the environment on the unit so its safe for everone. The menta! l hospital is not heaven. Just like any place else on Earth actions ha! ve consequences. The patient hit you and you restrained them. You did not engage in mindless gratutitous violence. Control is a measured physical response to violence that is designed only to restore order to the unit.In my opinion you are worried about nothing. Yes it hurts everytime you must control a patient. I hated controlling anyone when I was on the wards because, it made me sad. I was and am an idealist, I do not like violence or pain and hate causing it in any way. However controlling violent patients IS part of your job! You take no joy in controlling others. However if I were a mental patient under your care, I'd know it is better to have a compassionate person like you restrain me when I got upset. The alternative is seeing patients brutalized by big ape like men with no education, no compassion and no remorse when beating a patient. Note I did not say restraining I said beating.Thats the difference between what you did and whata true monster would do! . I am autistic and because of that I am a monster at times. However when I worked with mentally ill people they were like my brothers so I never once hurt them. I have retrained many but never hurt them. You did well. You must survive in the hospital. If you allow yourself to be hit, patients will learn it is fine to be violent against you. If you are not respected as a fair person by the patients you will be hurt more often until you leave the profession. If the good people leave the profession of caring for the mentally disturbed who does that leave. You are a vital resource to those patients you help. The patients can not afford to lose you....Show more

Monday, 10 August 2020

Comment obtenir des escomptes sur Amazon

Comment obtenir des escomptes sur Amazon

p>Les prix et les offres d’Amazon changent tous les jours, vous ne savez donc peut-être pas si vous bénéficiez de la meilleure remise possible. Apprendre à naviguer à travers les différentes fonctionnalités du marché Amazon vous permettra d’économiser de l’argent sur les achats, petits et grands. Vous pouvez savoir comment obtenir des remises sur Amazon sur le site Web d’Amazon ou par l’intermédiaire de sites Web tiers qui annoncent des remises importantes.

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I am looking for information on hank herman author?

Gene Debell: --Author of Super Hoops, a prize-winning series of 15 basketball novels for kids published by Bantam Doubleday Dell. --Also an award-winning newspaper columnist: "the Home Team," his column in the Westport News, has taken several top honors from both the New England Press Association and the Connecticut Press Club. He writes primarily about sports and kids and his work has appeared in national publications like The New York Times, Outside, Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Family Fun, and Parenting.He lives in Westport, CT.I don't know how old he is...but one of his kids is around 24...so I think he is probably in his early 60's/late 50's...Show more

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Comment effacer l’historique Bash

Comment effacer l’historique Bash

Utilisez la commande’rm’.

Tapez `echo

If this is true, then why do children care so much about looks?

Dionna Doyel: If your hypothesis was right, children would care because it would be instinctive that they would do this. It would be of evolutionary significance.

Alisia Sutphen: Hee hee. People in general are not all as intelligent as that!We care about physical attractiveness because we are attracted to lovely beautiful things in general.Why would we love to see a lovely butterfly but are not so keen on seeing a slug? Why would we admire a lovely rose or flower, but not so keen on seeing a thistle?Not only that, nature NEEDS men to be attracted to women, and women to men. It is essential for the procreation of the human species. . We need to want sex together, so we have to be attracted to each other....Show more

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Cómo inclinar la oreja de su perro

Cómo inclinar la oreja de su perro

Lleve su cortadora a la mitad del camino y pase suavemente su cortadora sobre la oreja del perro a un ritmo constante y repita hasta que no se caiga más pelo (haciendo esto demasiado despacio o demasiado rápido puede atrapar la piel y cortar la oreja). No se preocupe si esto no elimina todo el vello, para eso es el siguiente paso.

Ahora incline su cortadora a 45 grados contra la oreja y baje suavemente por la oreja de nuevo; repita este proceso según sea necesario. Esto debería eliminar la mayor parte del vello que no fue eliminado en los pasos anteriores.

Pruebe el oído con su peine. Su peine no es para arrancar alfombras si la oreja de su perro está enredada, sino simplemente para comprobar si hay algún enredo en absoluto.

Repita los pasos 3-10 en el oído adyacente.

Repita el paso anterior, pero ahora gire la cortadora 90 grados en sentido contrario! , eliminando la mayor parte del vello del otro lado. Las orejas deben estar inclinadas y niveladas.

Voltee la oreja para que el interior de la oreja esté de frente a usted. Debería poder ver una línea distinta desde donde se afeitó la parte superior. Comience en esta línea y baje por la oreja hasta la punta. Nunca retroceda sobre una oreja; se la cortará.

Coloque a su perro en la superficie que va a utilizar. Tener a alguien más allí para sujetar a su mascota puede ser útil en esta parte del segmento.

Ahora tu perro tiene las orejas arqueadas. Disfrute!

Sostenga la oreja de su perro con el pulgar por encima de la parte superior de la oreja y los otros dedos por debajo de ella, forzando a que la oreja quede plana contra ellos. Encuentra el punto medio del oído y haz un mental no de donde está esto.

Cepille la oreja con la que le gustaría empezar. Usando su cepillo más suave, cepille suavemente la oreja del perro desde la base de la ! solapa (donde la oreja se une con la cabeza en la parte superi! or) hasta el borde de la solapa. Usted no necesita cavar en el oído, pero debe ser capaz de sentir las cerdas correr a lo largo de la piel. No cepille demasiado la oreja de su perro, ya que las orejas son frágiles y pueden sangrar con poca provocación.

Prepare su equipo y manténgalo a distancia. Nunca pongas tus cosas en un lugar donde el perro pueda patear, tus herramientas son caras y pueden dañarse si se caen.

Con su buena mano, sostenga sus tijeras de podar como un lápiz y enciéndalas. Si su perro no está familiarizado con este sonido, deje que vea la cortadora por un momento y preséntela olfateando el extremo de la cortadora (las cuchillas están lo suficientemente afiladas para cortar la lengua de un perro si intenta lamerla).

Friday, 7 August 2020

Do 7th grade girls have track and field conditioning?

Mildred Pombo: talk to the coach.

Shaquita Wernicki: The school nurse has nothing to do with it. Conditioning as in pre-season training? Ask the track coach. Conditioning for PE? Ask the gym teacher. If it's for something other than class, you will need a physical done first before you can participate.

Madge Voice: yes.. it should have conditioning first.. warm up exercise should be done first. because not all students do exercise frequent

Thursday, 6 August 2020

staring disease?


Becky Mosena: sounds like thyroid exophthalmos ,u might have graves disease(autoimmune hyperthyroidism)

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Skyrim- vamparism disease?

Woodrow Neyman: It'll help, without any necklace or enchantment or special abilities, if you get attacked by a vampire, you contract the disease in a few swings. A plus 50 resistance amulet will require to get hit more to contract the disease

Son Ahlers: Yup I found that out the hard way when trying to get a Bosmer infected with their 50% disease resistance. It is much superior to werewolves in many ways. The vampires get a huge increase in stealth making them great for archer builds. While not meant as part of the vampire skills you can get 100% spell absorbtion with vampirism+necromage(restoration skill tree)+atronach(alteration skill tree)+atronach stone. The glaring weakness to sun is a huge issue but if you run around at night it's not a problem. Werewolves are powerful but with an armor rating of 0(I think this might have changed) on higher levels they can easily be killed by guards. But one awesome thing about werewolves is the ability to get enchantments on ! your claws if you are duel wielding enchanted weapons before transforming. If you have the Dawnguard DLC vampires become seriously OP....Show more

Carter Dewater: simple technique Ask any bartender approximately any rumors going around, and that they direct the contaminated guy or woman to Falion in Morthal, who learn vampires. vacationing to Morthal jointly as at point 4 vampirism could be complicated, by using fact that opposed persons will attack the vampire on sight. as quickly as there, he informs the vampire that a ritual could be carried out to opposite the curse. A filled black soul gem is needed first. The Black action picture star won't be able to be substituted for this gem. Falion can provide to sell the vampire a Black Soul Gem, in the event that they can't get carry of one via different means. Fill the Black Soul Gem via casting Soul catch on a humanoid objective. Meet Falion on the stone circle to treatment the an infection. Falion ad infinitum has an i! dentical opinion to treatment vampirism, so the hunt could be ! carried out diverse situations if contaminated diverse situations. Lyncanthropy starting to be a Werewolf remedies Vampirism. Aela the Huntress turns the Dragonborn right into a werewolf throughout the companions questline. Console instructions yet in a various way of curing vampirism is thru means of console instructions; open the console and sort: setstage 000eafd5 10...Show more

Joellen Zorrilla: It keeps you from getting the disease as easily. Buy the Dawngaurd DLC for 20$. Vampires in that are practically invincible!

Babette Deloe: Even if it gives you a weakness to a certain group/sword, becoming a werewolf is the easiest solution to this. Aside from the weakness, which I never noticed (though I was a tank). If you're going to be around vampires (battling them) 50% resistance will not help you a lot.

Clifford Gombos: don't think so. ask the wikiP.S. Become a werewolf! Its boss!!!

Barton Slisz: Yes, Vampirism starts out as a standard disease, so! any disease resistance will help prevent you catching it. 50% won't help out a lot, but it does mean that you are only half as likely to catch it or any other disease. You can even find items that make you totally immune to diseases. Becoming a werewolf is handy as well, as you can't become a vampire (through combat) as long as you are one. Though you can choose to be a vampire lord in Dawnguard and that will override your werewolf....Show more

Hubert Jestes: Yes a necklace with 50% disease resistance will help you avoid catching vampirism. Even if you contract vampirisim all you have to do is take a Cure Disease potion.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Equestrian fitness advice?

Bethany Blocker: I find that caring for horses (I have six that I have sole care of, no help) keeps me pretty strong, even stronger than riding. Cleaning stalls, carrying hay, sacks of grain, buckets of water, and so on really work out most of your muscle.What I add as a workout is cardio. I find if l don't do that, I run out of breath when I'm riding hard (I event). So I ride an exercise bike every morning, doing a cardio workout.Diet wise... I've found the best is a low calorie, low fat, mediterranean type diet. Good fats like olive oil and avocado, good protein like fish and chicken, lots of veggies, lots of fiber. Water, not soda, no tobacco or alcohol. I am, unfortunately, addicted to caffeine.It'll sound strange, but I recommend cardio for equestrians. The best way to train your muscles for riding is to actually ride, but it's much harder to get the cardio going before you've trained the muscles. If you want to add exercises anyway, then I recommend core st! rengthening....Show more

Venetta Coulbourne: Riding is what keeps me in shape the best; it's made my legs really strong (which is why I'm good in high jump despite me being vertically challenged XD) and sitting trot is as good an ab workout as I've ever had.Apart from riding, I take a weekly dance class, in which we also do ab work, cardio and that sort of thing. The flexibility aspect of dance also really helps my riding, I think. It's also a ton of fun, I might add! Play around with different fitness activities and I'm sure you'll find one you really enjoy ;) Good luck!...Show more

Tereasa Sorensen: well, it depends on how much riding your doing, what type and what level. Of course, everyone who rides should be fit enough to look after themselves and thier mount when riding.I workout 1-2 times per week through the Nike Fitness Training Club app on my phone, each workout is from 30 mins - 1 hour long, and focuses on getting lean, getting toned and getting stron! g. I do mainly lean ones as it focuses alot on core strength w! hich is a main muscle when riding and for getting that sit trot perfected. I drink alot of water, well everybody should anyway, but its the worst thing when your riding and are really thirsty. I also keep to a high protein diet to keep lean but build correct muscle just like my horses :D...Show more

Marjory Stromme: Aside from horse riding I do pilates, yoga, bellydancing and hooping, in addition to HIITS (High Intensity Interval Training) at home to music. The HIITS are mostly to keep my body in shape, everything else I find helps greatly with the riding. Everything I do (apart from the HIITS which I hate doing but keep me slender) is done for the pleasure of it, not specifically to enhance my riding but because everything I do focuses on a strong core and the importance of it, I find it very helpful to my riding because of course a strong core is essential to a rider. The pilates and yoga also help with balance and general muscle tone and strength so they are very u! seful too. :)Dietwise, I keep a vegan diet and I eat mostly raw, but that is pretty much unconnected to my riding.As for a "recommended fitness plan", I only every do what I enjoy (bar the HIITS) because I find it easier to stick to a plan I enjoy. If you can get into pilates, yoga or any other activities which develop a strong core and balance (martial arts are good for this too) I would definitely recommend these though. There is a good book on specific exercises for riders: http://www.amazon.com/The-Riders-Fitness-Program-S... if you are a gym bunny, these will be very helpful....Show more

Jamika Gregorio: Exercising for safer riding is much like exercising for a total body builder along with building muscle in the upper body you need lower body strength along with stamina and heart strength. As for my diet I eat lots of fish, chicken, beef about once a week and pork about once a week but everything I eat is low sodium so I do not retain water, at almost 68 years o! ld I have very little body fat, no spare tire and my cardio function is! getting much better since my Triple Bypass last year....Show more

Derrick Smsith: It's fairly no longer a lot in regards to the age of the man or woman as it's their ability to be in contact and handle horses. This is a younger horse and sounds like he is not well expert. It's likely he would ought to have a normal groundwork put on him and from what you may have mentioned, he is most of the time no longer the horse for you at this time. Once more, it's not about how lengthy you've gotten been driving. Commencing a younger green horse is more than difficult. It may be harmful. My statements are just normal founded on what you could have said. Opening horses requires any individual with developed capabilities and horse handling capability. When someone says "wishes confident rider or horse might be in cost" that could be a moronic statement that tells me the horse will not be proficient. You will have to no longer take a risk on this one. Just a concept from what was ! once stated here....Show more

The Unhealthiest Diet in the world?

Demetrius Coaster: Just about any diet where you're taking in less than say 1,200 calories a day. That's very unhealthy. And of course there's the McDonald's diet....

Luis Mellon: How about the Atkins diet,I am pretty sure he died of his own diet......

Rosio Pasculli: I second the nomination of the Atkins diet. Bunch of junk science, that nonsense. Although "Doctor" Atkins didn't actually die of his diet - it was a slip and fall that ultimately did him in, although he was decidedly overweight when he died.

Monday, 3 August 2020

Cómo comprar adornos de oro en línea

Cómo comprar adornos de oro en línea

Busca adornos de oro en los sitios web de las tiendas de vacaciones. Los sitios web que se especializan en productos navideños y otros productos navideños pueden presentarle varios adornos de oro para que elija.

Introduzca palabras clave específicas de oro ornamento en un motor de búsqueda en Internet. Este procedimiento le permitirá localizar adornos de oro con las características específicas que desee.

Examinar tiendas de joyería en línea en busca de adornos de oro. Ocasionalmente, especialmente durante la temporada navideña, las joyerías pueden vender adornos navideños o navideños que están hechos puramente de oro o chapados en oro.

Compra adornos de oro en eBay. EBay puede ofrecer adornos de oro que han sido hechos a la medida por un individuo, o adornos especiales que ya no están siendo vendidos por minoristas o fabricant! es.

Sunday, 2 August 2020

is Dental Laboratory Technician a good career choice?

Elinore Schlinker: go on a www.bls.gov.com , they will tell everything about the job

Emile Okafor: I would say so, although some people are bothered by working with chemicals all day because the fumes are strong.Alternatively, you could go into dental hygienist (a lot more money )or dental assistant (lots of variety, about the same pay as technician). A lab tech might be the best option if you are more introverted because the other two careers require you to be very social....Show more

Jed Mutone: I think that it would be a good start to see if you really like the atmosphere of a dental setting. I want to become either a Dental Hygienist or a Dentist, but I'm not sure how much schooling that I want to complete or pay for. I know that community colleges such as Cuyahoga Community College offers a Sterile Processing Technician certificate. The certificate enables you to work in dental offices and/or hospitals sterilizing medical and/or dental equipment. The pay ! for someone certified I'm assuming would be around $15-20 depending on which area you work in. If you were referring to doing the radiology work in a dental office, then all I would have to say is that you should go where you think you would be better at doing. I know that this sounds weird from someone who is unsure of either Dentistry or Dental Hygiene, but I really want to get my degree. I want to do dental missionary work in either China, or India before I become in too serious a relationship....Show more

Cómo ayudar a los adolescentes con problemas

Cómo ayudar a los adolescentes con problemas

Los años de la adolescencia son a menudo los más difíciles de la vida de un niño. Ya sea que usted sea un padre, pariente, amigo o simplemente una persona afectuosa en la vida del adolescente, ayúdelo a sentirse seguro y respetado. Sea un modelo a seguir que proporcione tranquilidad, a la vez que establezca límites. Enséñeles maneras saludables de sobrellevar la situación, encontrando actividades que aumenten su confianza. Si las cosas siguen empeorando en la escuela, en casa o con su comportamiento, busque ayuda profesional e identifique los recursos de la comunidad.

Enséñeles que está bien pedir ayuda. Demuéstrele al adolescente que no es una señal de debilidad pedir ayuda. Muéstreles que utilizar la guía y el apoyo de otros es una señal de madurez, crecimiento y fortaleza.

Piensa en tu estilo de crianza. ¿Eres m! uy estricto y te concentras en el castigo por cada pequeña cosa? ¿Das mucho margen o libertad? ¿Se siente más sobreprotector o más relajado en su enfoque?

Anímelos a encontrar actividades saludables que los ayuden a sobrellevar la situación. Si su adolescente está enfrentando presiones en la escuela, se siente aislado o le falta orientación sobre qué hacer, enfóquese en llevarlos a actividades que aumenten su confianza en sí mismos, les hagan sentir que vale la pena y les demuestren que pueden superar lo que están enfrentando. Considere estas actividades saludables:

Sea un sistema de apoyo confiable y tranquilo. Evite molestarse o levantar la voz si es posible. Si bien las acciones de su adolescente con problemas pueden hacer que usted se sienta frustrado o ansioso, encuentre maneras de demostrarles que usted es un sistema de apoyo fuerte y confiable.

Hable con la escuela sobre el comportamiento y el desempeño del adolescente. Sea activo en e! l monitoreo de las calificaciones del adolescente, los malos h! ábitos de estudio o las dificultades con otros en la escuela. Obtenga la perspectiva del adolescente sobre cuál es el problema, pero también comuníquese con el personal de la escuela para obtener orientación sobre los siguientes pasos. Sea un intermediario entre el adolescente y la escuela, pero evite tomar partido.

Mantenga las reglas y los límites para su adolescente. Incluso cuando un adolescente crece, es importante monitorear y supervisar lo que está haciendo y con quién está. La supervisión de los padres y de los adultos puede ayudar a reducir las actividades negativas y problemáticas. Sólo asegúrese de evitar ser demasiado estricto o demasiado protector.

Escuchar sin juzgar. Si usted ve a un adolescente con problemas actuar impulsivamente o comportarse de manera extraña, trate de escuchar sus preocupaciones sin juzgarlo. En lugar de tratar de arreglar todos sus problemas, sea un guía y consejero que escuche con empatía y amabilidad.

! Busque ayuda de un consejero si los comportamientos persisten o empeoran. Si su adolescente continúa actuando con ira, es destructivo, o ha expresado pensamientos de autolesión, es importante obtener ayuda profesional para hacer que la vida y estar con ellos sea más manejable. Puede ser difícil y estresante ver a un adolescente que está sufriendo o que continúa empeorando.

Asegúrese de que el adolescente esté a salvo de hacerse daño a sí mismo o a los demás. Si el adolescente tiene pensamientos de suicidio, autolesión o daño a otros, identifique recursos para ayudar inmediatamente. Ser un defensor de la seguridad de este adolescente y de la seguridad de los demás.

Hable abiertamente con el adolescente. Aunque parezca que el adolescente lo ignora, o que duda en compartir sus sentimientos, es importante abrir las líneas de comunicación. Discuta sus preocupaciones de una manera calmada y amorosa. Sea compasivo al escucharlos responder o no responder! . Es posible que el adolescente no esté dispuesto a abrirse siempre.

Priorice el tiempo con el adolescente. Asegúrese de tener tiempo de calidad con el adolescente. Si bien pueden dudar en pasar tiempo con usted, asegúrese de hacer actividades juntos por las tardes y los fines de semana. Trabaje para mantener la relación fuerte e intacta, incluso a medida que envejecen.

Busque programas locales y nacionales que apoyen a las familias y a los adolescentes con problemas. Hay muchos programas disponibles en todo el país para ayudar a los adolescentes y las familias con los desafíos del crecimiento y la actuación. Si usted tiene inquietudes acerca de un adolescente, sea un defensor e identifique programas que puedan ayudarlo. Anime al adolescente a asistir a programas que puedan ayudarlo a encontrar ayuda y confianza.

Question about dental hygienist?

Emerita Sciandra: Dental Hygienist only clean the teeth. Dental assistants assist the dentist's while THEY remove teeth. But no, dental hygienists don't work with the doctor and they don't remove teeth.

Shan Lanen: When you go to the dentist, you know the person who greets you, cleans your teeth, takes the x-rays and (may) lecture you about the importance of flossing/brushing/etc? That is the dental hygenist. The dentist is the person who removes teeth, fills cavities and does that once over of your mouth just before they let you go.

Perry Deshazior: Dental hygienist cleans patients teeth to remove plaque, calculus and other debri from gingival crevices or psedopockets. They can also give temporary fillings and dressings and make referral to the dentist.

Theresia Fashaw: A dental hygienist is a licensed dental professional who specializes in preventive dental care, typically but not limited to focusing on techniques in oral hygiene . Local dental regula! tions determine the duties hygienists are able to perform. In most jurisdictions, hygienists work for a dentist, and are licensed to administer restricted techniques of local anesthesia. Also radiographs, sealants, scaling, root planing and cleaning are common procedures performed by dental hygienists.In some areas, the dental regulations include extended duties and exemptions for dental hygienists. Some hygienists are allowed to practice without dentist supervision, use restricted bleaching techniques, and in some areas are even allowed to restore teeth using restricted classes of fillings.The dental hygiene process of care has five steps:Assessment: Gathering data. Dental hygiene diagnosis: Interpreting the data into a coherent description of a client's condition in terms that can be addressed by a dental hygienist. Planning: Determining the techniques that will solve the problems indicated in the dental hygiene diagnosis and the order in which those techniques will be ap! plied. Implementation: Carrying out the plan. Evaluation: Dete! rmining the effectiveness of the work that was performed. Mueller-Joseph and Petersen describe the dental hygiene process of care as a cycle in which the dental hygienist might pass through each of these steps several times during a course of treatment. Over a period of months or years a dental hygienist may have evaluated his or her work several times, altering the diagnosis and plan numerous times as the client's condition changes....Show more

Dale Mccoun: Hi there, we are a dental care company working hard to improve the dental health standards all over the world. A dental hygienist is a dental care specialist who is capable of carrying out various procedures to deeply clean patients' teeth for. Through deep cleaning procedures you can get rid of the bacterium and the plaque buildup which will leave much more refreshed. You will have sparkling white teeth after getting the procedure done. For more information you can visit :http://www.comprehensivedentistry.com.au/! ...Show more

Saturday, 1 August 2020

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you read?  

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you read?  

answers 0:and i don't mean magazines, newspapers, shampoo bottles, etc.i mean novels.answers 1:yasomehow I ended up hereanswers 2:Not that many Americans believed that, and um we're happy for you that you made it to the 22nd?answers 3:Not yet.answers 4:Half an hour and the 21st of December will be over in Melbourne, Australia… but did you know that some parts of the world are already gone into the 22nd? So obviously that's proof that the world isn't going to end. Do any of you still believe this nonsense? It's beyond a joke. NO one in Australia even believed the world would end but it looks like quite a few Americans do… :/ Awkward.answers 5:7answers 6:Yes.answers 7:People are going to try and make it seem like its ending when its really not! Some people just have problems.answers 8:Yup I have to go to hell tommorow at 5:00 I'm the morning. it's! ,its....schoolanswers 9:No parts of the Earth have gone to the 22nd yet. Pretty close though. In Sydney it's 11:33 PM. The world is obviously not going to end. Apparently the Bible says there will be signs. Well there have been no signs here in Australia. And in regards to Kansas/Oklahoma/Texas, I haven't heard any news about any flaming, alien F-47 tornado. So no.answers 10:I'm a 10. I am a book-a-holic and always, always have one going and another one waiting and watching my authors for when they have a new one coming out. LIKE tomorrow, one of my authors is having a new book come out.... 🙂 Wait, I can't go get it, Drats! I have a dental appointment... grumble, grumbleanswers 11:1 - I hardly ever read.answers 12:7.5mine?? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Avwyp... answers 13:That's another reason why scientist quickly discarded that dumb theory. Japan Is already 22nd lol, but anywayanswers 14:I had THE weirdest dream in the world but you probably won't! understand most of it....it had to do with David Duchovny and! some people I know...man it was weird but it was really cool at the same timeI had so many though that I can't remember themI can't help lmao-ing at everyone else's answers!...

Experience with using holistic/alternative medicine to support the immune system during chemotherapy?

Malcom Bourek: Proponents of wheat grass use claims that regular ingestion of the plant can improve the digestive system, prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease, cure constipation, detoxify heavy metals from the bloodstream, cleanse the liver, prevent hair loss and help to make menopause more manageable. The consumption of wheat grass in the Western world began in the 1930s with the attempts of Charles F Schnabel to popularize the plant. Ann Wigmore continued to contribute to the popularization of wheat grass in the 1940s. Believing that it contributed to the remission of her cancer, Wigmore wrote several books on the subject....Show more

Adelle Weight: alternative medicine is definitely supportive to allopathy,it boosts faith and immune system.research is on.more good things will be found.it is my personal feedback from patients

Shad Bushweller: Hi, I believe that alternative resources can help your mom keep healthier. My mom had stage 2 breast cancer 9 y! ears ago and was treated successfully with chemo. Last year, the cancer returned, and she had radiation therapy after a lump was removed. During her radiation, we supplemented her treatment with a lot of rest, Goji juice (my dad's idea) and astragalus (my idea). The latter, I researched because I had heard it was good at boosting the immune system and radiation tends to challenge this. Many radiation patients end up with infections from simple interactions with people or irritants in the air.Astragalus had to be used with caution as it is an anti-coagulant and she was already on ginko biloba and aspirin.It is also advisable to use and then stop and then use again to prevent resistance to its effectivity.I would also suggest meditation and visualization exercises. In yoga class, we envision a white, warm light entering our body and radiating gently through every single cell, cleaning it of toxins. After class, we also put our hands on the areas of our bodies that have pain o! r trouble because after doing the poses, there is a lot of goo! d energy in our hands. I hope your mother can benefit from this.Diet-wise, there is a lot of material you can Google about acidic vs alkaline foods. Apparently, cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment (sugar, carbs, alcohol) and an alkaline balance is not conducive to cancer cell growth....Show more

Mickey Isle: Overall support of her system is called for with (gentle) tonics such as nettles and red clover along with slightly bitter herbs to help with nausea and appetite, such as dandelion root tincture taken in water before meals and/or warming ginger.Healing and building foods such as mineral rich (organic if possible) bone marrow broths, root vegetables, fermented foods like real (raw & full of enzymes) sauerkraut, yogurt and miso are key helpers to nourish intestinal flora. Pretty much whatever healthy foods she loves and will eat will be medicine for her. Simple teas such as peppermint and chamomile too.Certain herbs that are called adaptogens, specifica! lly Withania, Shatavari, and Astragalus can also help her body adapt and strengthen from the inside. here is a link to an article at the NIH on use of these herbs in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14698508Reishi mushroom has a particular place of prominence with cancer patients and may be worth checking out as well for its many benfits during cancer and chemotherapy. There is a lot of information out there on this valuable fungi and its use in ameliorating the harsh side effects of chemotherapy.Here is an article on possible synergistic effects of herbs during chemotherapy - herbs that can help heal the body as well as potentially increase the effectiveness of the treatmenthttp://www.herbalgram.org/wholefoodsmarket/herbcli...I have not worked with cancer patients yet have trained extensively in herbal and nutritional medicine.Here are some websites of well-respected practitioners who work specifically with cancer patientshttp://www.herb! ological.com/cancerandherbalmed.htm...http://www.centrehealing.com/Bios! /DYance.htmlHe has suggestions for books on this page and is the co-author of one that might be worth having: Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer I would also definitely suggest Breast Cancer Breast Health by Susun Weed also: I Beat Cancer: 50 People Tell You How They Did It Where you buy herbs and supplements truly does make a difference and quality varies a great deal! Organic groceries, co-ops, and whole-herb shops are generally far better than chain supplement and gimmicky shops.I hope all this does not overwhelm you! There is no need to rush out and try to get everything. Good food is an excellent start, and then perhaps trying things one at a time to see how they're working for her and what will truly be used consistently is possibly best. Emotional /spiritual support and/or checking out a breast cancer support group in your area might also be helpful.Much Luck to you! I hope this is helpful. You are excellent to be there for her.PS My Mom has also been sick which ! is probably why I felt compelled to compile this......Show more

Azalee Ahrendes: ok... i know your gonna be like "WTF NO WAY!!!"but...POT..yes ive researched a lot on this, i think Hydrogen Peroxide can do something but im not sure....Show more

Talisha Digrande: There are many alternative treatments that can be done from herbs, yoga, teas, meditation, and the combination is different for each person. Before she takes anything internally she may want to consult the doctor to make sure it doesn't react with her treatment. There are many cancer treatment centers that combine natural healing with medical healing to treat the whole person you may want to see if there is a center in your area that does that.