Friday, 8 November 2019

Anyone pretty knowledgeable with assault rifle accessories?

answers1: Depends on the scope. It might require a 30mm or a 1inch
scope rings. Is the AR15 a flattop? <br>
If you search for it on amazon, you'll see they recommend some rings
with it: <br>
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Leupold-Rifleman-Detachable-Medium-55860/dp/B001HN5HA2/ref=pd_bxgy_sg_text_y/182-9984224-6670941"
Here's the scope: <br>
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Weaver-Classic-Rimfire-Scope-849431-2-5-7X28mm/dp/B002HS8QVS"
See at the bottom it recommends some rings? <br>
For my ar15 I use a EOTech 512 with the zoomer on it. I love it since
I can flip between long distant and close up. I run it with a BUIS
system of a matech backup and a front sight with arms folding. Overall
it really depends on what he likes. If he's into long distant then
probably a scope would be ideal but if he's just into some general
shooting, a reddot would probably be better. The setup I have is not
that pricey but it is pricey. <br>
If your husband likes ar15 and he wants a scope, the holy grail of ar
optics are probably Leupold scopes or Trijicon acog. They are quite a
bit pricey but are well worth it compared to a cheap 100 dollars
scope. <br>
If I had a wife unit and she was to buy me accessories, I would
probably like either magazines or be allowed to choose my own
accessories with permission of course. However, being apparent that
you bought it for him, I can't imagine he'd be upset or concerned over
what accessories you get him unless of course he specifically
mentioned he wanted that particular ar15. <br>
Edit: Highly, highly recommended to not buy accessories at the store.
There are a lot of good places to buy online like from Amazon or
BravoCompanyUsa. It is a heck of a lot cheaper though. The store
always sells for twice as much as you can get online. The only problem
with online is you need to get the stuff from reputable sources.
answers2: I really think that surprising him should be less important
than getting him the right accessory, but if you have to choose rings
before he sees them, go with medium height rings. <br>
And I would suggest that, if you can, also buy him a few magazines. I
saw 2-packs of 30 round AR mags at Bass Pro for $25 the other day: <a
Personally, I think that Magpul PMAGs are about the best magazine you
can buy, though, so you might check into buying him two or three of
those. Believe me, he will appreciate having extra magazines! <br>
EDIT: Just for future reference, do NOT refer to an AR-15 as an
"assault rifle." It isn't one. It's not even an "assault weapon." It's
simply a rifle.
answers3: Hmm...optics are a tricky gift because most shooters have
very particular shooter preferences. <br>
If you really want to get him a little surprise accessory, I might
suggest a foregrip if one can be attached. <br>
(This would be attached beneath the barrel if there are rails up there.) <br>
OR, a really neat little gift idea that I just found recently could be
this: <a href="http://shop.customgunrails.com/Large-Laser-Engraved-Aluminum-LEA_c88.htm?page=all"
As long as he has rails somewhere to put it, it would be a nice little
accessory, doesn't have any specifics that he would need to be picky
about, and you could customize it or get one you KNOW he'd like!
answers4: Given: <br>
1. He may well know what he wants/needs in the way of optics. <br>
2. You want to surprise him. <br>
3. You want to avoid making a several thousand dollar mistake by
getting the wrong hardware which someone would have to go through the
hassle of returning. <br>
Solution: <br>
1. Buy him a gift certificate from his favorite store and put it in
his birthday card. <br>
or <br>
2. Take a 3 x 5 card and write --- "This card entitles the bearer to
select the optics hardware of his choice." --- or some such wording.
You can place the 3 x 5 card in his birthday card. <br>
Advantages: <br>
1. He gets what he needs/wants the first time. <br>
2. You still get to surprise him. <br>
3. It's a win - win situation.
answers5: I have two scoped ARs. I used Nikon P-Series rings on both.
They would be perfect for that scope. They are designed specifically
for the AR15 with a perfect rise and offset for most scopes made. <br>
( Nope! Not hard to guess at all. He will be fine with the P-Series
mounts for that scope. Not to mention, he can return them if they
aren't what he wants. )
answers6: Yeah, he'll be surprised all right. That's always a bad idea
when you don't have a clue what to do. Either go to a store and ask or
take him to the store and he can get EXACTLY what he wants, ok ?

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