Monday, 30 September 2019

Sunday, 29 September 2019

are there any performing arts schools in tennessee?

answers1: theres got to b <br>
surf on google and see if u can find one <br>
ask some friends <br>
look around while ure in the car <br>
u mite c 1

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Performing Arts Schools!?

answers1: What level? Obviously Julliard. Check this site for
additional information.

Friday, 27 September 2019

What are some less selective or open admission performing arts colleges/universities in the tri-state area?

answers1: In any performing arts college program you have to pick one
major. As you have no training in dance, you should cross that off
your list right away as any BFA program will require an audition in
both ballet and modern dance. There are dancers trained at the School
of American Ballet who don't make it into Tisch. You also cannot
transfer unless you start again as a freshman as they would only
accept core academics and none of your PA training elsewhere. <br>
The truth is, PA college programs are where you go to hone your craft
and they don't take students with no background or training to learn
as a beginner. <br>
What I suggest is to take some acting classes and perhaps singing
lessons now and see if you have any abilities along those lines.
Dance takes years and years of intense training to get at a level that
would be desired for admittance. If you are a natural in acting, then
perhaps you would have a shot if you auditioned. However, you need to
start somewhere. Have you had any experience in high school
productions? Try to get as much experience in acting as possible and
then you can audition and see how it goes. There is no point going to
a less selective program as they have nothing to offer and just take
your money. Again PA credits don't transfer from one school to
another. Only your core course like English, Math, Science etc.
answers2: Since there is no such breed as a 'cavapoo' you won't find
anyone that is knowledgeable and responsible producing them. You will
only find some ignorant mutt breeder producing poorly bred mutts out
of poorly bred dogs to try to sell to people stupid enough to think
they are ANYTHING but a mutt like the MILLIONS that die in shelters
every year. Why not just go the the pound and adopt a mutt instead of
supporting some ignorant puppy miller making mutts to sell to equally
as ignorant people that would PAY for them! BTW, if your grandmother
knew anything about responsible breeding, then she would know that
only an irresponsible and ignorant greeder would purposefully make
puppies and that no one with good bloodlines and knew what they were
doing would take a good quality dog and make mutts with it... but then
that might be more along the lines of the knowledge level of your
grammy anyway :)
answers3: I know very well what colleges in the Tri-State area
(surrounding NYC) have music and allied arts programs - but you
certainly do NOT want to seek out one that *takes anybody*. Think of
how horrible the instruction is there! Without a very solid
background, built up over many years of intense study, you can really
abandon hopes of getting into the very competitive NYC schools - there
will be hundreds and thousands of applicant FAR more qualified than
you. You could not possibly gain everything you needed in 2 years -
even at an open-admission local 2-year college, like Dutchess or
Ulster - and than transfer into a top performing college. Yes, some
of the music departments at the community colleges have agreements
with SOME of the 4-year SUNY schools, like Potsdam, Fredonia, etc.,
that allow you to transfer after successful completion of 2 years at
the community college - you could look at those (geared primarily to
Music Ed). But the total education you receive between the community
college and the SUNY school will not prepare you competitively for a
professional- level performing - I am guessing that you are thinking
about Broadway. Nor will they prepare you for eventual graduate-level
transfer to NYU, etc. <br>
Without a strong education in MS and HS in the arts, you will just not
get into a decent undergrad college - except for open-admission
community colleges - and therefore, your path is what it is. If you
are still VERY young - a HS sophomore or less - then perhaps you can
begin serious study NOW and develop enough skills that can get you
through a successful audition to a good school. Otherwise - consider
education for another career. Good luck - right now you have a
fantasy, but with hard work and lots of planning, it is possible to
turn it into a dream.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Good Performing Arts Colleges?

answers1: There is a good college for EVERYONE. Be realistic - VERY
realistic - about your abilities, achievements, and goals. Yes, you
need good grades - but most of all, a KILLER audition. That means,
you need to have been studying for a long time with the BEST BEST BEST
teacher that you can find. It will not be cheap, and it might not be
next door - so determine just how bad you want this. Do your
research - look at the stats of acceptance for the school you can
consider. Go thru the big college search engines, like Peterson's.
College Board, etc. Decide if you want urban, rural, or suburban. I
personally feel that the most opportunities in the arts are in URBAN
settings - no, rural colleges do NOT make you concentrate more on your
studies - they make you *look for your own fun* - not always a good
idea. If you cannot control your own concentration and work habits,
then you are not ready for ANY college. There is no shame - and now,
a lot of WISDOM, in living at home for a year or more, going to the
local community college, taking academics that transfer anywhere, and
studying independently on your instrument. However, in that
environment, you want it to be a stepping stone OUT - s- so do not get
suckered into hanging around with the losers who think that FAME will
follow when they say to you " So - dude - wanna start a band or
sumfin'?" STAY FOCUSED!! My Dad used to say - if YOU do not take
yourself seriously - who will?? This does not make you a snob - it
makes you INTENT, INTENSE, and GOAL-ORIENTED. <br>
I wish you much luck - every year, thousands of students do well at
this - sadly TENS of thousands are half-fast (!) about it, and fail -
and whine . . . . . . .
answers2: Performing arts is a very broad topic/ title for a major in
college. To select a major, you need to break down your major to a
more definitive study of interest. In other words you need to
specialize. Below I have listed some things you can major in. It would
be my suggestion as you consider these to decide where your heaviest
interest lies and then research schools which have strong programs for
that major. applied music (music performance in an instrument, or
voice) music education (be a music teacher) music therapy - works
music and psychology for therapies etc musical theatre- Broadway
(singing,acting, dancing) theatre- acting (screen or stage)
theatre/drama education applied dance (performance) dance education
music composition playwright/ screenplay writer music arts
entertainment business and management (agent) get my idea? the list
could go on and on in "performing arts"- but to be 14 and thinking
about it, means you have time to ponder what makes you the happiest-
since it takes absolutely loving it, to enjoy it while making a career
of it best of luck to you! high school choir/ musical director 15

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

What college major relate to being so good at history?

answers1: History, Political Science, Public Administration.
answers2: In college you can major in general history. Any of these
majors would be good for you too. Find something you like. <br>
American Studies <br>
Archaeology <br>
Area Studies <br>
Art History, Criticism, and Conservation <br>
Classics <br>
European History <br>
Music History, Literature, and Theory <br>
U.S. History
answers3: Be a history major
answers4: you can go into archeology or something else, try calling or
visiting school websites to see what they have to offer

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

my deleted browsing history comes back?

answers1: Clear the Address bar & Search bar history <br>
In Internet Explorer click Tools > Internet Options, click the Content
tab, in the AutoComplete section click Settings, clear the box for
Address bar & clear the box for Forms, then click the button for
Delete AutoComplete History, click OK > OK <br>

Monday, 23 September 2019


answers1: Greatly, It has been one of the most beneficial factors in
human history, without it we would be nothing. <br>
It helped organise and keep together society. <br>
Helped educate people. <br>
Preserved important documents and language.
answers2: Well all the religious massacres and wars caused many
thousands of influences on us.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Why is History considered a science and an art?

answers1: Although many universities organize their History Department
within the "School of Social Sciences," it's not really a great fit.
The "Social Sciences" are the products of a specific time and place
during which the "scientific method" was applied to human behavior.
That is, Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologists and Political
Scientists were applying data to test hypotheses about human behavior.
And those tests should be replicatable by other researchers. History
isn't done that way. For one thing, history is as old as human
civilization, and isn't a product of the 19th Century. Second, it's
more "art" than it is "science." A good historian is, first, a good
storyteller. Although history should be based on empirical fact, it
isn't data-driven. So although it may deal with similar subject
matter, history is more akin to literature and art than it is to the
social sciences.
answers2: History involves facts, and facts are the domaine of science. <br>
But history always involves interpretation--an art. <br>
Read any history book, and the two will be mixed. Whenever you find a
generalization, you'll find interpretation and "art." <br>
There's always a person and an opinion in the background of every
history discussion.

Friday, 20 September 2019

how do I do genealogy research in illinois?

answers1: If you need a place to start, your local public library
provides the software, reference materials, and a slew of resources
that you'll never find on the internet. If you make contact with the
awesome-est researchers available to you, the reference librarians,
you will get a walk through on how to organize your information, where
to look, what you need to capture and how to organize the information.
If you live in the community where your parents, grandparents and
great-grandparents lived, it's exactly the right place for you to find
birth announcements, engagement and marriage announcements, and
obituaries for free. <br>
The other great benefit of libraries is that most local genealogy and
historical societies either hold regular meetings there or hold
frequent information sessions and lectures. <br>
But the greatest part of libraries is that you get this wealth of
resources for no more cost nor effort than a library card.
answers2: Pretty much like you do in any other state in the USA; start
with yourself and work backwards, documenting what you find. Ask your
parents, grandparents and great grandparents about their lives before
it is too late. <br>
Here are some pages that Illinois has that most states don't, though,
courtesy of their Secretary of State (sos): <br>
<a href="http://www.ilsos.gov/GenealogyMWeb/deathsrch.html"
<a href="http://www.ilsos.gov/GenealogyMWeb/idphdeathsrch.html"
<a href="http://www.ilsos.gov/GenealogyMWeb/marrsrch.html"
All states have a US Gen Web site, with links to county sites. Here is
the one for Illinois: <br>
http://ilgenweb.net/ <br>
You might want to visit a Mormon Family History Center. They have PC's
which are usually loaded with helpful bookmarks, a few resources you
can't find on the Internet, plus they are staffed with people who know
their stuff, love to help beginners, and don't try to convert you.
Find one near you: <br>
http://www.familysearch.org/eng/library/FHC/frameset_fhc.asp <br>
Finally, people ask "How can I find my family history, for FREE?" here
3 - 15 times a day. Most feel the need to use all caps on "free",
oddly enough. The resolved questions are full of links and tips.
answers3: Lise, you all ready have excellent answers. Here are a
couple others. Always start at home with your family first, next is
your public library looking for books on local history, regional to
see what you might glean on any of your ancestors. The library usually
has index books, for birth, marriage and death records for the county.
Here is a reference website that has the tools you need for hands or
research. <br>
http://www.genealogy-research-tools.com <br>
Also any chance you get to go to a cemetery where your ancestors are
buried go. <br>
Enjoy your genealogy experience.
answers4: 1
answers5: You start in exactly the same way as anyone else in the
World does....with you and the records you already have at home and in
the homes of all your living relations.................. this enables
you to learn how to research and still have people a live to ask
questions of, so in the future you know what to look for and don't
think copy abd paste from websites is the way to do it <a
this will help you get started it also gives you a choice of several
free FH software so you can keep all what you find safe, secure and
organised...then the links page will help you futher,,,, and there are
several good US researchers on here, so if you get stuck ....
ask.......best of luck

Thursday, 19 September 2019

get free genealogy on line?

answers1: Family Search <br>
<a href="http://www.familysearch.org"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.familysearch.org</a> <br>
Search the Family History Library's database, which contains millions
of names from thousands of family trees. <br>
GenCircles <br>
<a href="http://www.GenCircles.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.GenCircles.com</a> <br>
Searching the global tree and viewing results is free to everyone. In
addition to first and last names, the database is searchable by dates
and places of birth, baptism, marriage, death, and burial, as well as
by the names of an individual's father, mother and spouse. <br>
GeneaNet <br>
<a href="http://www.geneanet.org"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.geneanet.org</a> <br>
A database that indexes all the world's genealogical resources,
whether Net-based or not and whether free or fee-paying. <br>
Free On Ancestry <br>
http://www.freeonancestry.com/ <br>
A directory of all the FREE records and resources available on
Ancestry.com. <br>
Ancestor Hunt <br>
http://www.ancestorhunt.com <br>
Index of Free Genealogy Search Engines <br>
Find Your Family Tree <br>
http://www.findyourfamilytree.com <br>
A free genealogy web site designed to help you find missing branches
of your family tree using Pedigree Resource File (PRF), a rapidly
expanding collection of family trees submitted by people worldwide to
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. <br>
GenealogyBuff.com <br>
http://www.genealogybuff.com <br>
Search for your surname in dozens of family history databases with one
click. Though you still have to visit each site to see the results (or
find out your search came up empty), GenealogyBuff.com can be a good
starting point for online research. <br>
USGenWeb <br>
http://www.usgenweb.org <br>
The USGenWeb is one of the premier sites for US researchers. Here
you'll find Web pages for every US state and county. <br>
AncestralFindings <br>
http://www.ancestralfindings.com <br>
AncestralFindings may not own every database you're interested in, but
its collection is impressive. Holdings include CD-ROM records of
births, deaths, marriages, census indexes, land records, passenger
lists, immigrations and Genealogy.com's entire World Family Tree
answers2: http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search <br>
http://genforum.genealogy.com <br>
http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search <br>
answers3: You have to do the research yourself, but the place to start
is rootsweb.com. It is the oldest and one of the largest genealogical
sites on the web that is free. <br>
Start with Rootsweb's guide for tracing family trees: <br>
<a href="http://rwguide.rootsweb.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://rwguide.rootsweb.com/</a> <br>
Go to Rootsweb's form link to download genealogical forms: <br>
<a href="http://helpdesk.rootsweb.com/get_started/charts_forms.html"
Then go to Rootsweb's WorldConnect--over 900 million names in family
trees--see if someone has already done research for you! <br>
<a href="http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com"
answers4: attempt the web pages anybody else has indexed, plus
whenever you detect a area that sounds good yet expenditures, seem
further, lots of them provide you a unfastened 30 day trial.
additionally submit kinfolk names, places (such as you probably did)
on multiple web pages, human beings WILL respond! good success!
answers5: Hey Dicky Ray, <br>
I see a few good sites were given already. Some of the sites that are
free are also leading you there to try to sell you something. Follow
that thought, so, some of the PAY sites give information for FREE!
Swyrich.com is selling Coat of Arms, but give a fairly accurate of
about 50% of the names I put into it. Not bad for free. <br>
LDS Family Search is almost totally free, you can buy CDs of various
pedigrees. <br>
Ellis Island is Free to join, free to search, free to take records
from the internet, manifests, etc. But, they do want to sell
certificates to you. <br>
You can get GENEALOGY.com and ANCESTRY.com for free if you purchase a
Genealogy software package. The free period is about 30 to 90 days.
So, keep that in mind, and I will post what I consider free sites. I
can't post everything, there is too much.
answers6: 1) Talk to your family members and write down full names;
birth, marriage, and death dates; and location information. <br>
2) Focus on one name/family at a time and research online. Some of my
favorite free sites are: <br>
[Huge LDS Database] <a href="http://www.familysearch.org"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.familysearch.org</a> <br>
[For English research] <a href="http://www.freebmd.org.uk/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.freebmd.org.uk/</a> <br>
[Social Security Death Index] <a
[Western States Marriages]
http://abish.byui.edu/specialCollections/westernStates/search.cfm <br>
Browse the message boards on ancestry.com and genealogy.com and even
do searches on Yahoo or Google with your more unusual names in quotes
(e.g., "Ebenezer Beetlejuice"). You will be surprised what you find!
3) Visit your library and ask them if they subscribe to ancestry.com
or heritagequest.com and also visit a NARA (http://www.archives.gov/)
office if you have one close by. You largest and most valuable source
of information will be censuses.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Is there such a thing as genealogy tests?

answers1: The closest thing to this is to participate in the genealogy
project that National Geographic is currently working on. You purchase
a 100 dollar kit, follow the instructions, send in the samples and
what they will be able to tell you is what particular line your
ancestors and you yourself descend from. Look up the info in the
national geographic website. Other sites like genealogy.com can help
you some as well, but without actual dna testing of your supposed
relatives as well as yours, it would be kind of hard to pinpoint that
answers2: To tell your genealogy they usually will take cotton and
swab your mouth to collect saliva. It will not reveal who your
ancestors were, but more or less where your family originated from. It
can cost quite a bit because it is not a routine thing that people do
regularly versus going to the actual doctor for a check-up. It is not
detrimental to your health, because it does not harm you in any way,
even if you were to get it done with blood. It is definitely safe,
because they can either swab your mouth with cotton or take blood
answers3: This question was asked only a few minutes ago by someone
asking practically exactly the same statements and questions as you.
Seems suspiciously like the same person is using a different account.
However, the answer is the same........ <br>
Not exactly. DNA tests in genealogy will tell you generally the
geographic origins of your ancestors based on having DNA that is
common in certain populations of people in certain areas of the world.
But it will NOT tell you who your ancestors are. They do not have DNA
samples from everyone that ever lived, or hardly anyone that lived
more than a few decades ago. You are not going to find out by DNA
testing if King so and so from 1492 AD is your 18th great-grandfather.
EDIT: Very intersting. This question was asked a few minutes ago by
someone named Brianna, and this user Lou Lou answered it; yet turns
around and practically re-asked the same question. Seems like someone
is playing with multiple accounts which violates Yahoo rules. Both
have been reported so Yahoo can figure out what is what with this.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

I am writing a research paper on genealogy (family ancestry, not DNA!). Any suggestions on helpful websites?

answers1: There are too many links to provide (Yahoo will only allow 10) <br>
Here's the headings - if you want to follow them use the link below <br>
In no particular order: <br>
Genealogy Help <br>
192.com - Genealogy <br>
A List of Occupations <br>
A2A - Access to Archives _ Home <br>
ancestorsonboard.com - Emigrating from the UK <br>
Article Archives - catch up on all the articles you've missed <br>
ausbdm.org <br>
Australia <br>
Queensland historical index search <br>
Australian Medical Pioneers Index (AMPI) - Home <br>
BacktoRoots - CD directories shop <br>
BBC - History - Family History <br>
Beginners' Latin Reference <br>
Beginners' Latin <br>
Beginners' Latin Reference <br>
Beginners' Latin <br>
Birth Certificate UK - Ripoff <br>
British History Online <br>
Capital Punishment in the United Kingdom <br>
Cyndi's List - Maps, Gazetteers & Geographical Information <br>
Cyndi's List - Maps, Gazetteers & Geographical Information <br>
Dictionary of Victorian London - Victorian History - 19th Century
London - Social History <br>
Directory of Irish Genealogy_ Introduction <br>
English Handwriting 1500-1700 An Online Course <br>
Family Chronicle - Ten Best Local Library Resources <br>
Family history book (Word) <br>
FamilySearch Indexing_ Preserving Our Heritage <br>
Find A Grave - Millions of Cemetery Records <br>
FINDING YOUR ROOTS Manorial Records <br>
FINDING YOUR ROOTS Visiting Britain's Churchyards and Garden Cemeteries <br>
FINDING YOUR ROOTS Visiting Britain's Churchyards and Garden Cemeteries <br>
FreeBMD Home Page <br>
Freepages at RootsWeb Help <br>
Galleries - History Of Photography - Page 1 <br>
Genealogy Abbreviations <br>
Genealogy Knowledgebase <br>
Help_WeRelate tour - Genealogy <br>
Historical Directories <br>
History & info - Timeline of interesting calendar facts <br>
History.UK.com FH Conservation <br>
howto <br>
Index of -Rootsweb Reviews <br>
Ireland Genealogy Archives <br>
Irish Genealogy Search Ireland, Irish Genealogy Search Ireland <br>
Jewish Genealogy Roots Ancestry Ancestors Information Research History
Names Surnames And Jewis <br>
JOURNEY OF MANKIND - The Peopling of the World <br>
Latin Phrases - A list of Latin phrases, Latin mottos, Latin
definitions, and Latin abbreviatio <br>
Latin Phrases - A list of Latin phrases, Latin mottos, Latin
definitions, and Latin abbreviations. <br>
Links Memorial <br>
MAPCO Map And Plan Collection Online <br>
MAPCO Map And Plan Collection Online Stanford's Map Of London Showing
The Boundaries Of Pa <br>
MAPCO Map And Plan Collection Online Stanford's Map Of London Showing
The Boundaries Of Parishes 1877. <br>
Measuring Worth - Relative Value of UK Pounds <br>
Microfilm Reader <br>
Newspaper Transcripts <br>
Northfiche Parish Register Transcripts <br>
Old Maps <br>
Old Mersey Times <br>
OurTimeLines.com - Home Page <br>
Parish Records - The Archive CD Books <br>
re Margaret Ann Dixon, Shieldfield Eng 1849 <br>
RootsWeb Codes Country Abbreviations <br>
RootsWeb's Guide to Fraternal Organizations <br>
RootsWeb's Guide to Fraternal Organizations <br>
Service records <br>
SMGF (Free DNA testing) <br>
Some notes on medieval English genealogy <br>
Soundex Converter by RootsWeb <br>
Spatial-Literacy.org <br>
Storage expert warns of short life span for burned CDs - Computerworld <br>
Surname Profiler (map) <br>
Surnames Originating As Insults <br>
The National Archives DocumentsOnline Death Duty Registers <br>
The National Archives Home Page <br>
thePeerage.com <br>
UK parishes <br>
Alnwick - Family History, Genealogy, Surnames and Local History. <br>
Historical Account of Newcastle-upon-Tyne British History Online <br>
keys to the past <br>
Kirkby Stephen Monumental Inscriptions, extract from Bellasis <br>
MAPCO Map And Plan Collection Online <br>
Surname Profiler Search for a name or category of names <br>
USA <br>
Castle Garden 1830-1892 immigrants (pre Ellis Island) <br>
Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships and Ship History-Command
Operations Reports <br>
Ellis Island Passenger Arrivals American Family Immigration History Center <br>
Family history information for James coote - obituaries, births,
deaths, marriages, etc. - Gen <br>
Index of _pub_usgenweb_la <br>
Indian Nation Census Records Native American Census <br>
Information Wanted Home <br>
NARA - AAD - Main Page(USA arrivals) <br>
NARA - Genealogists-Family Historians - Clues in Census Records, 1850-1930 <br>
One-Step Immigrants by Stephen P. Morse <br>
Online Library of Selected Images <br>
Online Searchable Naturalization Indexes & Records <br>
Online Searchable Naturalization Indexes & Records <br>
RootsWeb Genealogy Mailing Lists Cemeteries <br>
RootsWeb Town Search 1.0 <br>
Social Security Death Index Interactive Search <br>
Texas Marriages <br>
The Inflation Calculator (US) <br>
Today's Dollars <br>
World map for British Empire & Commonwealth Land Forces <br>
World map for British Empire & Commonwealth Land Forces <br>
World War II unit histories & officers <br>
British Royal Family History - Frequently Asked Questions <br>
British Royal Family Arms) <br>
Archaic Medical Terms English Home
answers2: Get a No Cost Background Check Scan at <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>https://bitly.im/aO2F9</a> <br>
Its a sensible way to start. The site allows you to do a no cost scan
simply to find out if any sort of data is in existence. A smaller
analysis is done without cost. To get a detailed report its a modest
payment. <br>
You may not realize how many good reasons there are to try and find
out more about the people around you. After all, whether you're
talking about new friends, employees, doctors, caretakers for elderly
family members, or even significant others, you, as a citizen, have a
right to know whether the people you surround yourself with are who
they say they are. This goes double in any situation that involves
your children, which not only includes teachers and babysitters, but
also scout masters, little league coaches and others. Bottom line, if
you want to find out more about someone, you should perform a
background check.
answers3: There are 250,000 web sites devoted to Genealogy. It is the
most popular hobby on the Internet for us geezers, who don't chat,
download awful music or look at naked women. Which one is best for you
depends on you. If you are a Italian Catholic, the one run by the
Huguenot Society isn't going to help you much. Free BMD is invaluable
for Brits; Americans could care less, unless they have UK Roots. You
got some good suggestions. The resolved questions have other links and
answers4: www.cyndislist.com <br>
short and sweet.. all she does is collect thousands of genealogical
websites. The beginner area especially has links that discuss QUALITY
research, using reliable documentation instead of online "family
trees". Contrary to popular thought.. an online tree is only someone
else's conclusions.. and not always accurate. <br>
All genealogy is not online, by the way. <br>
Think.. birth certificates, wills, census, tombstones, so forth.. all
of which were around LONG before computers.

Monday, 16 September 2019

good genealogy website for Latin American roots?

answers1: Family Search has an ever expanding list of birth, death and
marriage records for countries in Latin America . <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>https://www.familysearch.org/</a> <br>
CyndisList Central and South America has some good links <br>
<a href="http://www.cyndislist.com/centralsouthamerica.htm"
Also check free country specific message boards such as RootsWeb,
GenForum and Ancestry
answers2: The wonderful list of genealogy links, Cyndi's List has
links to resources for genealogy for Central & South America and
Mexico: <br>
<a href="http://www.cyndislist.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.cyndislist.com/</a> <br>
Unless you have already checked the "hardcopy databases" at your
public library (yes - books and magazine/journal articles) do not rule
out the "old-fashioned" type of genealogical research that may be
available through the library. To find out the location of the main
genealogy collection of your public library network, telephone your
local library and ask. It will probably be at the main/headquarters
library. Also ask about the hours of service. <br>
If you do not yet have a valid library card for your public library,
find out what you need to do to obtain one (free.) It can be the key
to accessing some library subscription databases from your home
through the library web pages. A librarian can instruct you in their
best use. <br>
A reference librarian in the genealogy section can give you some good
guidance for your particular family tree research. Tax payer dollars
have paid for the excellent library resources. Why not use what you
have paid for? <br>
A nearby FamilySearch Center may have some good resources for you to.
You will have to go there to access what they have available. Here is
the link for finding the location closest to you: <br>
<a href="https://www.familysearch.org/locations"
They have knowledgeable people working and volunteering at the centers
who will be happy to assist you. <br>
Librarians--Ask Us, We Answer! <br>
Find your local Public Library at: <br>
<a href="http://www.publiclibraries.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.publiclibraries.com/</a> <br>
Find your College/University Library at: <br>
http://lists.webjunction.org/libweb/Academic_main.html <br>
Best wishes

Sunday, 15 September 2019

How can I describe dancing?

answers1: they move swiftly through the grounds in unison, like they
were dancing.
answers2: I do dance. I don't like to believe about how i seem after I
dance! I have been told by way of my pal that i dance with my
backside! Also do a little bit of foolish dancing with my mate when
there may be a tune on that we both love from our more youthful days!
answers3: dance is rhythmic articulation .
answers4: You do not need to go into vivid description of the dance.
Just say a few of the moves made. Depending on your point of view,
describe how the effect it. <br>
(I'm not padding hits on your youtube)

The song on so you think u can dance....?

answers1: Dancing by Elisa <br>
hope that helped =]

Saturday, 14 September 2019

I would really like to dance tonight?

answers1: sure, I'll teach you how to bellydance!
answers3: oh god! you made me feel like dancing! <br>
i can't teach you,sorry! but i can tell you a song to dance to: <br>
the way you look tonight! <br>
grab your bf! ;)
answers4: Booked! <br>

Friday, 13 September 2019

What should I name my new dance studio?

answers1: Dance Zone Dance Studio <br>
The Funk Elite Dance <br>
Precision Dance <br>
On Pointe Dance
answers2: No limits Elite dance company dance depot <br>
thanks :)
answers3: Something cool that would really attract teenagers like ,
"Fly High Dance Studio" Or "The spot." <br>
Also is this anywhere near killeen texas? Or not in texas at all?
answers4: Stage Spotlight, <br>
To The Pointe Dance Studios <br>
Majesty of Dance Studios
answers5: What approximately utilising your final call? occasion:
Smith Dance Studio. Or do something like Tippy feet or appropriate on
Pointe or something. good luck! P.S. Why do no longer you teach ballet
too? you might have so lots extra human beings who way!
answers6: Sparks <br>
Flame <br>
Intensity <br>
Level Up

Thursday, 12 September 2019

wat is contemporary/modern dance?

answers1: Lyrical, contemporary & modern are just about the same
thing. Modern is more flexed feet. To me...Lyrical & Modern is more
like a time to worship God through my dancing. And to really put alot
of emotion into what I do.
answers2: Lyrical is to contemporary/modern dance as fast food is to
gourmet cooking, so it's no wonder you've heard of lyrical but not
contemporary/modern. Pop culture offers up lyrical dance, with its
usual fare of tricks, floor rolls and emotive cliches. But an ongoing
succession of dance artists have guided the development of modern and
contemporary dance with their unique contributions to the art form.
Before some people give me the usual thumbs down for seeming to knock
their favorite style of dance, I'm not saying that lyrical isn't fun
and enjoyable or doesn't have a place in the wider world of dance. You
just will never see "Lyrical" offered as part of a regular college
dance program because it is not a recognized dance technique that is
worthy of serious study.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Essay with multiple authors? (MLA Format)?

answers1: Lets take a look at the Research and Documentation site.
That's where I usually go to figure out citation styles. <a
Mouse over the MLA section - documenting sources - and click on List
of Works Cited to get here... <br>
<a href="http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/resdoc5e/RES5e_ch08_s1-0011.html"
Now you have a drop down menu in the middle where you can select two
or three authors/four or more authors, etc. <a
If you're working on the in-text citations, use the left menu to get
into those examples. <br>
An example with two authors... <br>
Smith, Jane and Tom Johnson. Book Title in Italics.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Do authors walk the red carpet?

answers1: Certainly, especially if they've written the play or
screenplay or the source work. They just don't typically have people
blathering about how they're dressed. And authors can receive all
types of awards, such as a National Book Award, Pen/Faulkner, a
Pulitzer Prize, even a Nobel Prize.
answers2: As far as I'm aware, there's no red carpet event that is
specific to authors. If your book gets turned into movie, you will be
invited to the premiere. If it is a big blockbuster movie or during
some big movie festival, there might be a red carpet. That's about it.
There are lots of awards for authors, none of which are really red
carpet events. See below for a list of literary awards.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Can we call a person an "author" who writes essays?

answers1: An author is a writer of a literary work (such as a book).
Whereas a writer could have written anything. I would say that an
essay is a literary work so I would call that writer an author. For
example, I certainly would call Jonathan Swift and author, although he
wrote essays and poems.
answers2: author is one who writes books. Yes there is a huge
difference between both the words.
answers3: certainly.
answers4: no u can't

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Who is your favorite author?

answers1: Tolkien- LOTR, Hobbit Terry Goodkind- Sword of actuality
sequence JK Rowling- Harry Potter (of direction) Chris Paolini-
Inheritance Cycle Cormac McCarthy- the line Garth Nix- Aborhorsen
answers2: Terry Pratchett, hands down. I will buy his books without
even looking at it. <br>
He's a satirical, humanist writer that uses fantasy to highlight human
thoughts and what it is to be human. But it's not as stuffy as that
sentence sounds. :D <br>
* God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say, circuitous ways. God
does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of
His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any
of the other players* [* ie: EVERYBODY ], to being involved in an
obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank
cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the
rules, and [i]who smiles all the time[/i]. <br>
* Many phenomena — wars, plagues, sudden audits — have been advanced
as evidence for the hidden hand of Satan in the affairs of Man, but
whenever students of demonology get together the M25 London orbital
motorway is generally agreed to be among the top contenders for
Exhibit A. <br>
* It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the
great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people
being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being
fundamentally people. <br>
*If complete and utter chaos was lightning, then he'd be the sort to
stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and
shouting 'All gods are bastards'. <br>
* Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. <br>
<a href="http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Discworld"
(hint hint, come on peope, read his books!) :D
answers3: 1. J K Rowling <br>
2. Stephanie Meyer <br>
3. Dan Brown
answers4: Dan Brown simply because he creates such shocking plots twists.
answers5: Tom Clancy and John Le Carre <br>
I'm into close to the real world type spy novels. They know their
stuff and do research before writing. They DON'T write the super spy
type like the Alex Rider series and James bond. <br>
I leave the classic novels like The Old Man and The Sea, The Odyssey,
A Room With A View, A Midsummer Nights Dream, A Cat On A Hot Tin Roof,
A Brave New World, The Great Gatsby and so on to english and humanity
teachers to pick. When I'm NOT in college anymore or no more enlglish
class, then it over for those kind of stuff. I'm NOT into fantasy and
sci-fi novels by authors like Piers Anthony, Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes
Lackey, Terry Brooks, J. R. R. Tolkien, Terry Goodkind George R. R.
Martin and authors who has wrote some Warhammer/Space Marine novels.
But I DON'T hate that stuff it just NOT my kind. The same goes for
medical thrillers by authors like Robin Cook and Tess Gerritsen.
answers6: Stephen King, hands down. <br>
Because he has written so many timeless classics like 'Misery', 'The
Stand' and 'The Shining'. <br>
He really knows how to pull a reader into the story and not let them go. <br>
On second place would be George Orwell.
answers7: Kathy Reichs, on whose books the TV series "Bones" is based. <br>
I love her writing style, and the way she can turn a phrase.
answers8: Sarah Abuzeid!!!! <br>
She taught me that ever girl and boy are queens and kings. <br>
and famous or not, royal or not, they always have a reason to dream
and the right to dream and believe.
answers9: Mary Connealy. She's just great her book make me cry and
laugh out loud. Also none of her books are too similar so it's not
like the same book over and over just with different names and places.
answers10: Stephen King

Saturday, 7 September 2019

American Authors?

answers1: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tennessee Williams, Nathaniel
Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Max Shulman, Henry David Thoreau. <br>
For biographical info, check out <a href="http://www.s9.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.s9.com/</a> or
www.britannica.com. <br>
Good Luck!
answers2: Diana Gabaldon <br>
Pearl Buck <br>
Louisa Mae Alcott
answers3: Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Chester Himes, Zora Neale Hurston
answers4: William Faulkner
answers5: i'm accept as true with you. British authors are a lot
greater useful than their American opposite numbers. no longer in
ordinary terms Jane AUsten, Charles Dickens, there is William
Peacemaker Thackrey (the vanity honest), Sir Arthur Conon Doyle and
quite a few different greater.
answers6: Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, D.H. Lawrence, Arthur Miller...
answers7: Flannery O'Conner (you could write about how her Catholicism
and her struggle with lupus influenced her writing) <br>
John Kennedy O'Toole (his only book, "A Confederacy of Dunces," was
published after he committed suicide because another author, Walker
Percy, thought that it was genius) <br>
William Faulkner (my favorite author, he led a fascinating life) <br>
F. Scott Fitzgerald (he left the United States and moved to France, he
struggled with his wife's mental illness)
answers8: Ann Rule
answers9: Mark Twain
answers10: Edgar Allan Poe

Friday, 6 September 2019

where in NYC can I sell used books to book stores?

answers1: Strand Books <br>
828 Broadway <br>
New York, NY 10003 <br>
They buy used books.
answers2: Dear Sir / Madam : <br>
Welcome to visit our website : < http://www.happylyshopping.com >
(Paypal payment) <br>
We am a great seller that wholesales and retails large quantities of
all kinds items, <br>
The such as shoes, bags, clothing of the latest popular, jewelry etc. <br>
If you are interested in our products, please contact me. <br>
E-mail : happylyshopping@hotmail.com <br>
MSN : happylyshopping@hotmail.com
answers3: I second the Strand recommendation. It's a great bookstore,
and while I've never sold books there before, I'm a frequent customer.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

do you still read/ buy/ books even tho kindell is out?

answers1: Yup. I hate electronic books and prefer real hard books :D <br>
I love building my book library too

Wednesday, 4 September 2019


Pinterest, Inc. [NYSE: PINS] shares fell -1.18% or -0.41 points from their previous closing price of $34.42. The stock reached $34.01 during the last trading session. Over the last 5 trading days of the week, the PINS share price rose for 2 out of 5 days, increasing by +0.59% over the last 7 days.

PINS had two major price moves with the last trading session as the price rose to a high of $34.67 and reached $33.72 at one point. The most recent high is set lower than the 52-week high of $34.67. The most recent high is the $34.67 high. The 52-week high is currently at $36.83 from the current stock price, marking a rally from the recent low of $23.05. The 52-week high is now at $36.83 from the current stock price.

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS): Analyst Valuation and Results of Operations
Stock traders often keep abreast of what leading stock market analysts are saying about a possible stock purchase. When it comes to Pinterest, Inc. PINS], the most recent average analyst rating available, comes from the quarter ending in December. On average, stock market experts give PINS a hold rating. The share price ranged from 23.05 to 36.83. This is compared to the last closing price of $34.42.

Wall Street analysts give their ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 and the current average for Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] sits at 2:58 a.m.. This is compared to 1 month earlier when the average rating was 2.58.

For the quarter ending March 19, Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] generated revenues of $0.2 billion. That's 0.65% more than the average estimate of $0.2 billion presented by Wall Street analysts. The three above indicators suggest that the stock as a whole has a mixed mix of positive appeal and some drawbacks, making it a somewhat risky investment that also has the potential to generate a high ROI over the long term.

Keep an eye out for the next planned quarterly results that this company is expected to publish on Do 7 November (65 days).

Fundamental analysis from Pinterest, Inc. (PINS)
Let us now turn to profitability: with a current operating margin for Pinterest, Inc. PINS] was -9.88 and its gross margin was +68.04.

The return on total capital of this company is -7.70, the return on invested capital 12.60%. The return on equity is -7.04 and the return on assets is -5.23. These figures indicate that Pinterest, Inc. is poorly managing its assets and is unlikely to be able to deliver successful short-term results to its investors.

In order to investigate the capital structure of this company, Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] has generated a total debt to total equity ratio of 17.39. Similarly, the total debt to total assets ratio is 12.69.

What about the valuation? The enterprise value to EBITDA of this company is -337.97. The enterprise value to sales for this company is now 24 August.

Shifting the focus to employee efficiency, Pinterest, Inc. PINS] earns $420,663 for each employee as part of their payroll. Also of interest are the liquidity data of this listed organization: its quick ratio is 8.20 and its current ratio is 8.20. Taking these ratios into account, this company has a healthy ratio between its short-term cash and cash equivalents and its short-term liabilities, making it a less risky investment.

Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] has 548.07 million shares outstanding, representing a total market capitalization of $18.86 billion. The share price ranged from 23.05 to 36.83. At its current price, it has fallen -7.65% from its 52-week high and 47.57% from its 52-week low.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) of this stock is 55.87. This RSI value is good, indicating that this stock is neither overbought nor oversold.

Conclusion: Is Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] is a reliable buy?
Shares of Pinterest, Inc. PINS] provide investors with both positive and negative signals. Wall Street analysts have mixed valuations when it comes to the 12-month price outlook, and this company's financial figures show a combination of strengths and weaknesses. Based on the price performance, this investment is somewhat risky and at the same time has a reasonable potential for ROI.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

What's your favorite book? Least favorite book?

answers1: Favorites: Macbeth, 1984, The Book Thief, the Gemma Doyle series <br>
Least Favorites: Twilight series, Maximum Ride series, Inheritance
trilogy/series/whatever it is
answers2: Favorite: House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, amazing book. <br>
Least Favorite: the Twilight series.
answers3: My favorite author right now would be Annette Curtis Klause.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the book Blood and Chocolate and since I'm a
lover of werewolves I decided to check it out after seeing the
commercial for the movie--a dumb reason to check out a book, sue me.
Anyways, I read it and it was all one big hormone, constantly
throbbing and hungry for attention. The writing was horrendous and the
characters even more distasteful. There was no plot until the ending
and even then I had no idea what the hell I was reading. All the main
character cared about was sex and while I get wolves are animals and
mating and all sorts of that, sex is not part of their diet all of the
time. It was completely annoying because she was stuck-up,
condescending and absolutely irksome. I still til this day don't know
what everyone likes about the book or how they could even get through
it. I took a few hours to read it and just twenty pages from the
ending I put it down. Everyone seems to complain about Stephenie
Meyer, but honestly I would rather read her books a million times then
finish reading Blood and Chocolate.
answers4: Favorites: The Harry Potter series, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy,
and Rebecca <br>
Least favorites: The Twilight series and Blood and Chocolate
answers5: Favourite book: Cherub series and The Book Thief <br>
Least Favourite: Twilight
answers6: Favorite: either "The Green Mile" series by Stephen King,
"Mangos, Bananas, and Coconuts: A Cuban Love Story" by Himilce Novas,
or The Landry series by V.C. Andrews. <br>
Least Favorite: either "Broken Doll" by Burl Barer (this has more
editing errors than any book I've ever seen!) or "The Black Dahlia" by
James Ellroy
answers7: My favorite books: the entire Harry Potter series <br>
My least favorite books: it would probably be the Twilight series,
but, i've never had the heart to read them, so it would be some lame
book i had to read for school.
answers8: My favorite books: The Harry Potter series. <br>
I'm a big bookworm, so i like a lot of other books too. <br>
My least favorites: I've read a lot of lame books, and Twilight is
defiantly up there with the very worst
answers9: favorite books: Harry Potter series, The Catcher in the Rye,
The Book Thief, Moby Dick. <br>
least favorite books: Twilight series, Sisterhood of the Traveling
Pants, Inheritance Cycle.
answers10: My favorite books: All of the Harry Potter books, Jane Eyre
and To Kill A Mockingbird. <br>
My least favorite books: Twilight Saga(piece of crap)

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

What is a book like the white oleander?

answers1: You might try looking at books on Oprah's book list. This
was one of her first books. Most of her books lean toward dark
topics. I believe Amazon has a listing of all her books if you do a
search for Oprah books.
answers2: Because this guide is beneath copyright, you're going to no
longer uncover a authorized replica free of charge. The print replica
and audio down load are each to be had for much less that $10. If you
relatively desire it free of charge, ask your library to do an
interlibrary mortgage for you. Our small library has copies in four
one of a kind codecs

Monday, 2 September 2019

Book of Proverbs or Book of Wisdom?

answers1: Depends on your interpretation of both and if your
interpretation is correct.
answers2: The Book of Wisdom or or else referred to as the Wisdom of
Solomon used to be no longer truthfully written via king Solomon
however attributed to him via an unknown creator. The Book of Wisdom
isn't Proverbs however is without doubt one of the Wisdom Books within
the Old Testament. The Protestants eliminated it considering one of
the crucial verses from the Book of Wisdom help praying at the behalf
of the useless.
answers3: YES.
answers4: Book of Wisdom?[Ecclesiasticus?] - I am not familiar with
it, it is not of scripture - right? <br>
Proverbs is a book of wisdom and understanding. <br>
The Wisdom of Solomon is a 19 chapter book by Solomon which was part
of the canon[the bible] for nearly 800 years. <br>
Ecclesiasticus[50 chapters] also was once part the bible. <br>
Jesus quotes from a 'Wisdom of God' in Luke11:49, but no one seems to
know the book from which He is quotes.
answers5: There is much Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs However If you
read the Whole Word of God You will notice they Play all together and
Connect together. I hope this helps you.